Instilling 8 Good Manners In Your Child!
It’s imperative that you instil good manners in your child, as it is an incredibly important life skill, and it’s important you start early. Good manners begin with simple words such as thank you and please, but it doesn’t just stop there. When teaching your child, and as they grow, emphasize on the importance of why, so they can practice it understanding the importance. It is also important as parents, you be their role model. Practice before you preach, as kids pick up what adults do.
8 Good Manners Every Parent Must Instil In Their Child:
Going by ‘treat others the same way you would want to be treated’ is the best way to instil good manners in your child. If they learn this, then they know that in order to be treated nicely, they too need to treat others nicely. Below are some of the essential manners every parent should instil in their child. But do understand that as adults it seems easy and a second nature to us, but for the little curious minds they don’t know what to say or behave until they are taught, and explained properly.
1. Teach Them How & When To Use The Magic Words & Phrases:
- ‘Please’ & ‘May I’- These are basic yet powerful words every parent should teach their child to use, for example, before taking something from someone. It shows your child is not only polite & humble, but is also mindful and he/she shows consideration for others.
- ‘Thank You’- Another important phrase that should be taught to every child. It’s polite and shows that your child acknowledges others, for example, when giving something, and knows how to appreciate and be grateful.
- ‘Excuse Me’- This phrase shows that your child is polite, considerate. Remember, children naturally are curious and impatient, and it’s important they learn to say, to get their turn to speak, for example, without interrupting others.
- ‘Sorry’– Apologizing when your child has done something wrong is an essential habit to instil. The word ‘sorry’, shouldn’t be used casually and should be used with understanding. It shows that your child knows how to take responsibility for his/her actions, as well as, depicts how empathic your child is when used appropriately.
2. Educate Them On How To Have A Conversation The Right Way- It’s important to teach your child to establish & maintain eye contact whilst having conversations. This teaches your child how to be social, but in the right way, as well as builds their social confidence and respect for others. It’s also important to teach them to be polite and soft-spoken, and not scream, yell or shout during conversations. Teach them to listen keenly, wait their turn and not interrupt. The easiest way to instil this habit is by practising it at home.
3. Teach Them That Pointing & Staring At People Is Rude & Inappropriate Behaviour- Teaching your child this makes them humble and kind-hearted. The best way to instil this is referring to ‘treat others the same way you would want to be treated’. Ask them how they’d feel if someone pointed fingers at them or stared at them? That way, your child will learn to respect other people’s space.
4. Teach Them To Always Smile & Have A Positive Attitude- A smile and positive attitude, makes everything and everyone feel good and happy.
5. Teach Them To Share, Be Compassionate & Helpful- It’s important your child learns how to share with others. ‘Sharing is caring’ should be instilled in every child whilst they are young when playing or eating. It’s also important to learn to show compassion and be helpful. These qualities are likeable and can be taken as acts of kindness.
6. Teach Them To NEVER Use Inappropriate Language- Swearing is extremely disrespectful and unacceptable. However, at some stage a child will learn to pick up bad words, be it from a screen or overhearing someone. As a parent, it’s important you make your child understand why swearing is not okay and why bad words shouldn’t be used in front of anyone.
7. Teach Them ‘Honesty Is The Best Policy’- Teaching your child to be honest is a good core value, as being honest shows good morale, and it’s important your child knows right from wrong and that telling lies is a bad habit that will not help achieve anything but show others they aren’t good to be trusted.
8. Teach Them That Every Person & Creature Is Beautiful & Deserves Equal Respect- If you teach your child to appreciate every living creature, this helps them grow up being mindful of others and makes them realise that ‘we are all the same’. This helps them see beyond colour, religion and race.

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