Social Distancing = Social Connection! – Written By Michelle Arscott
Social distancing is not actually creating a social disconnect, it is in fact creating a deeper social connection.
If you are following the global news, you will see many examples of deep human connection and community. For example, in Italy, where people are quarantined, they are coming out of their homes every evening at the same time, to sing the nation’s anthem. Similarly, at 6 pm every evening in the UK, people are standing outside their houses and clapping to say thank-you to all the heroes on the front line, such as medical workers and the police, who are putting their lives at risk to keep everyone else safe. In some homes, families are drawing pictures of rainbows and placing them in their windows to spread good cheer and boost morale in their neighbourhood… It is quite likely that many of these people didn’t know who their neighbours were a couple of months ago, or knew them only by sight as they waved good morning and got on with their own busy lives!
Despite many people across the globe being confined to their homes, they are still connecting beyond their four walls, using virtual services such as Zoom and FaceTime to connect with family and friends. And people are being creative, having virtual ‘elevenses’, sharing tea and biscuits online with distant grandparents, or having Friday night drinks with friends via Zoom and even watching videos together, through platforms such as Facebook Watch Party.
Within homes, people are connecting more with their immediate family as they no longer have to contend with the obstacles of school, working away from home or travel. The enforced confinement is presenting families with a chance to have family meals, to dust off old board games and for conversations to be had.
On the World Wide Web, people are sharing ideas and resources with each other, such as activities the family can do at home to keep themselves entertained, or with the advent of homeschooling, educational and reading websites. Many celebrities are tapping into their expertise and resources too, often for free, offering online PE sessions with Jo Wicks, or family music classes with Myleen Klass. The bigger companies are also stepping up, for example, Audible is now providing children’s audiobooks for free and educational institutions like the Open University are offering free virtual courses.
3 Ways for You To Socially Connect Despite Social Distancing
1. In your new daily routine, allocate a time slot to video chat and check in on a relative or friend who is vulnerable at this time, maybe they live alone, or are self-quarantining or are elderly.
2. Make a list of people that you have been meaning to talk to, but have been too busy to connect with, from old friends to new ones and every day, contact someone different from the list.
3. Arrange group chats, it could finally be that school reunion that you have been meaning to arrange! Be creative, organise a virtual quiz night or games night with friends, or even a virtual cocktail party with neighbours.
Look for the rainbows-social distancing is bringing us closer together as we globally unite The human spirit is very much alive, the world is probably more united and together than we have ever been, perhaps since World War times!
Circumstances have stripped back the factors that were actually stopping us from connecting. Let’s just hope that this sense of unity, community and kindness continues long beyond the passing of the virus! And in the world’s next chapter, with the removal of social distancing, the deeper social connection will still remain and be the new norm.
What opportunities are you going to take today, to socially connect?
Michelle Arscott – The International Adult & Kids Life Coach
BSc (Econ) Psychology & Sociology
PGCE Education
ILM certified Coach