Looking For A Company That Can Take Care Of All Your Online Marketing Needs?
Follow These 5 Pointers To Online Success:
1. Goals
Always identify what your end goals are and within what time you would like to achieve these goals before you start any advertising campaign online. Without this, you will never be able to measure success.
Examples Of Goals:
- Gain 10,000 Followers
- Have 1,000 Subscribers On My Application
- Sell 500 Products
- Have 1000 Shares
- Get 100 Enquiries
2. Plan Out Your Financials
When you are planning out your marketing strategy, it is good to keep in mind that 90% of agencies out there will always ask you for a budget, which they can use to help them build a marketing strategy around, by best achieving your goals without burning a hole in your pocket.
3. Consistency
Consistency is key to your success, you must be consistent, plan out your content, offers, news etc… and also plan how regular you wish to engage your followers. At the end of the day you want to build a reputation, a brand, be the go-to person for that brand, product, service that customers are looking for, or for example, like some of our Hot List clients, be the best socialite. A lot of companies have had online campaigns, blown huge budgets and as a result have fizzled off and died. Therefore plan your budget wisely and always have a long term plan!
4. Know What Platforms Are Available
When carrying out online marketing you need to understand the platforms available to you and what would work in your location. Remember, not necessarily, if something that worked in the UK will work in Kenya! Ask questions and always take advise from your agency. At the end of the day, you are the customer who makes the final decision, and the agency will always listen to what you decide, even if they have advised you against it!
Types Of Online Marketing Platforms
- Social Media- Influencing, sharing news, gaining followers and building awareness.
- Search Engine Marketing- Converting potential customers into immediate sales.
- Email Marketing- Retaining existing customers.
- Push Notification Marketing- Retaining existing customers.
- Newsfeed- Gaining new customers/followers, converting sales, building an online reputation with search engines for organic hits.
- Video Content Marketing- Influencing, educating, gaining followers and building awareness.
5. Content Planning, Call To Actions & Conversions
When planning out your end goals, it is important to have a clear ‘call to actions’ that online browsers can easily follow. For example, If your goal is to get online sales, it is very important to have a good looking website where customers can pay online. If your website is shoddy and customers cannot properly checkout & pay on the online store, your marketing plan will fail and you will end up with bounces off your website. As a company building a reputation, you need to see for yourself if you like the process and the look and feel so that customers are welcomed, and not left with a bad taste in their mouth. You can always have the call to action: call now, email now, fill out a form or google maps (take me there), until your systems are in place.
If you are looking for a fantastic platform that utilises all the online platforms above and also allows you to share your videos, images & content to an existing weekly readers’ database you can always have a look at H&S MAGAZINE KENYA
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