H&S Play & Win: Rate My Dish Challenge With Aakshar Joshi & H&S Magazine- The Winners Are

H&S Play & Win: Rate My Dish Challenge With Aakshar Joshi & H&S Magazine- Winners

Winner Of The Rate My Dish Challenge

H&S Play & Win: Rate My Dish Challenge With Aakshar Joshi & H&S Magazine- Winners

The Winner

Recipe For Pizza Balls (makes 12 big balls)


Bread dough (made up of 5 cups of flour)
Sweet corn – 1 cup
Bell peppers – 1cup
Onions – 1 cup
Tomatoes – 1 cup
Black olives – ½ cup
Grated cheddar and mozzarella cheese – 1 cup
Tomato paste ( cook diced tomatoes with tomato paste(store-bought) and add salt, cumin powder, bay leaves, sugar, cinnamon sticks and some lemon according to your taste preference, cook until thick paste forms)
Garlic butter (softened butter+crushed garlic+coriander+mint leaves +salt, pepper, oregano, parsley, lime)


Pinch a ball out of the bread dough and roll it out, shaping it into a circle, keep the thickness at about 1-2 cm

Apply the tomato paste, add the corn, bell peppers, onions and tomatoes on this. Add according to the size of your rolled out base, a spoonful or two should be enough.

Add the black olives, grated cheese. sprinkle some oregano and salt according to your preference.

Now lift the edges of your base and bring every pinch together shaping into a ball, seal it properly by twisting once all the edges of the circles are together.

Using your hands, give it a circular shape gently and place it on a greased circular oven tray.

Similarly, prepare the other pizza balls and place them next to each other, do not keep a lot of distance between them. Now apply the garlic butter all over them using a brush.

Bake at about 150-180°c for about 20 -30 mins.

Recipe By Our Winner Meena Notaria

The Runners Up

1st Runners Up- Miral

H&S Play & Win: Rate My Dish Challenge With Aakshar Joshi & H&S Magazine- Winners


2nd Runners Up- Nafisa Taher

H&S Play & Win: Rate My Dish Challenge With Aakshar Joshi & H&S Magazine- Winners


3rd Runners Up- Chef Arnold

H&S Play & Win: Rate My Dish Challenge With Aakshar Joshi & H&S Magazine- Winners



With Aakshar Joshi & H&S Magazine

Instructions To Participate & Stand A Chance To Win:

1) Follow https://www.instagram.com/aakshar_joshi/ On Instagram
2) Follow https://www.instagram.com/hsmagazine254/ On Instagram
3) Take a photo of your dish and tag hsmagazine254 & Aakshar_Joshi


Chef Aakshar Will Rate Your Dish & You Will Get A Chance To Win An Amazing Prize!



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