Manifesting Your 2023: Doing The Wish!
By the end of March, I knew What I didn’t want – to continue in employment. So I got to work and created an aligned Goal. I became clear about WHAT I WANTED!
I was clear about the kind of work I wanted to do, the hours I wanted to work. Where I wanted to work from and the outcomes I wanted to achieve. I was very, very clear and intentional.
Once I had all these details in place, I checked in with myself. What was I believing? What were the doubts I had, and where were these coming from? Was I truly aligned with this desire? What energy clearing did I need to do to fully embody my intention and release the doubts? What additional actions did I need to take? I cleared, I believed, I knew I could see this come to pass.
There was one action I needed to take to align with my Goal: Quit my Job. If I still “played it safe”, by still continuing at an 8 -5, I would not be able to create space for my desire as a Spiritual Entrepreneur to Manifest.
Two months later, I found the space of my dream, after being turned down by several other property owners, and I set up my Spiritual Business.
How did I Do the Wish?
With the end of the year just around the corner, there is a lot of buzz around Manifesting for the New Year. In my next article, we will take an in-depth look at how to manifest your wishes for the new year.
There are seven main aspects to Manifestation:
• Intention
• Alignment
• Clarity
• Observation
• Right action
• Focus
• Beliefs
We will take a deeper look into these aspects.
Remember, Manifestation is not just about wishing something and handing it over to the Universe. It is also about aligning your energy and actions to the Goal.
See you next week!
Alia Datoo, Transformational Holistic Energy Coach