List Of Things That Can Help Keep The Spark Alive
Every relationship has its highs & lows! No relationship is perfect & it’s so very easy for the romance to evaporate in thin air! There are many factors that can easily kill the spark in any relationship. Some of the major factors include lack of interest in your partner, dwelling in your past & lack of communication! It is therefore important that for the spark to be alive, both partners contribute to the relationship! If you stop watering your plant it will start withering, similarly if you don’t pay attention & contribute to the relationship, eventually like the plant so will your chemistry wither! It’s not that difficult to keep that spark alive!
Here’s a list of 14 things that can help you and your partner bond better & keep that spark alive:
- Have Some Timeout Sessions With Your Phones- Nowadays every couple is somewhat glued to their phone playing games, texting away or posting on social media! This can be very damaging to your relationship in the long run. It is therefore advisable to let go of the phone when spending time together such as watching a movie, having dinner etc. Set some ground rules! If you or your partner defaults set some punishments such as 15-minute massage or mundane household chores like washing the dishes!
- Plan Your Weekends Together- Most couples are busy throughout the week doing their own thing! Weekends are the time when you and your partner should be spending time together keeping the spark alive. Plan some fun activities if you love outdoors, for example, a long walk. Do what both of you enjoy keeping in mind both your interests.
- Watch Television Together- Whether it’s the Game of Thrones or Lucifer, get into a routine where you and your partner watch something together after a long day of work!
- Read Your Favourite Books- Reading is very relaxing and doesn’t have to be done alone. When you and your partner are in bed just before you fall asleep try get into this habit of reading. Trust me it’s not at all boring. You can read a magazine while your partner reads his/her favourite book! The whole point of lying next to each other can be very calming & romantic.
- Share The Household Chores- Go grocery shopping together, do the dishes together, make the bed together. These regular mundane activities get so much easier as well as fun when you and your partner share the tasks and do them together.
- Family & Friends Time- Plan time with your partner’s parents/family and/or friends. These little things can help bond better.
- Be Compassionate, Caring & Courteous To One Another- If your partner is struggling with an issue at work or at home, help them resolve it if you can! Talk to them and give them advice or if it’s a physical chore, lend a helping hand. Trust me it’s the little things such as attitude that goes a long way! Your partner will be grateful towards you and this will help you bond better.
- Laugh Together- Laughter is the best medicine & sharing funny jokes, or memories can really help you bond & keep the spark alive.
- Personal Goals & Couple Goals- Encourage your partner to chase their dreams. A healthy couple always pushes one another to make their dreams come true! Whether it’s applying for a dream job, or doing a course or starting a business, whatever dream your partner has, encourage and help where you can to achieve it! For couple’s goals, you may, for example, want to start yoga or lose weight together.
- Talk About Your Flaws- This really makes you vulnerable to your partner and helps your partner feel more comfortable, relaxed and loved. Chances are your partner too will open a similar discussion revealing their vulnerable side.
- Compliment One Another- Compliment your partner and keep reminding them of why you love them. Trust me, hearing the 3 words “I LOVE YOU” can never get boring.
- Communicate & Be Honest- Being honest with one another is very crucial for your relationship to flourish. Speak your mind if you dislike something about your partner tell them but be careful not to hurt their feelings. There’s a fine line in being honest and being hurtful. Be careful!
- Talk Dirty- You read that right! Sexual intimacy is as important as all the above gestures. Let your partner know what turns you on, positions you want to try or you enjoy, sexual fantasies etc. Similarly, ask your partner what they like.
- Surprise Your Partner– Every now and then do something unexpected. It could be leaving ‘I Love You’ notes, breakfast in bed, a surprise trip. The ‘surprise’ element will definitely help keep the spark alive!
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