How To Deal With Worry- An Article by Prana World
“If you have done everything that has to be done, the future will take care of itself.”
-Master Choa Kok Sui
Worry is a cycle of repetitive, negative thought that is often difficult to stop, but not everyone knows that it is also a type of energy. This means it can be transferred from a person to another person, or from a place to people occupying it. Almost everyone worries from time to time. Things like an unpaid bill, an upcoming exam, a job interview or a first date all cause worry. But when it becomes excessive, persistent and uncontrollable then it becomes disruptive and can cause serious impacts on one’s health and wellbeing. Worrying every day about “what ifs” and worst-case scenarios can take a toll on your emotional and physical health, affecting your emotional strength, leaving you feeling restless.
Physically it can lead to insomnia, headaches, gastrointestinal issues and muscular tension. Constant
worrying can also impact your concentration levels and therefore your performance at work or school.
From an energetic perspective, worry often affects a number of human chakras, including the Solar Plexus and Throat. Excessive, chronic worrying contaminates these chakras and eventually becomes a habit that gets hard to deal with. However, having proper of knowledge of energy, such as Pranic Healing, you can disintegrate these thought patterns and improve your condition.
If you find yourself becoming a victim of your worries, it may be time to learn some new coping skills.
–Change Your Perspective –
Sometimes we have this unrealistic expectation that everything should be perfect. But life is life!
Full of ups and downs, happy times, and challenges.
“Life is governed by cycles, by change. Sometimes you are up. Sometimes you are down.” – Master Choa Kok Sui
The purpose of life is evolution, and therefore challenges are inevitable. They often happen to teach us lessons and help us strengthen our spiritual muscles. Worry typically does not prevent a negative outcome, but potentially makes it worse. Far worse.
So, if we change our perspective and accept life as it is with open arms, instead of worrying excessively, we will start to enjoy it.
– Focus On Solutions –
When we are afraid of an outcome, we tend to worry about it and keep imagining the worst possible
scenario. Based on the Law of Attraction, what we meditate on, we attract. Therefore, worrying not only
doesn’t help, but also attracts what we are afraid of.
Instead of meditating on your worries, start focusing on the solutions. Decide on a few simple actions you will take if the feared scenario happens. This can help you keep negative consequences, to a minimum.
– Ask Yourself: What the Worst Thing Is –
One of the techniques that can help you deal with your worries is to think about the worst thing that can happen in relation to your fears. Then, ask yourself, does this matter in a week, in a month, in a year, and in 5 years from now.
In most of the cases, you will notice that what you are worrying about does not matter in a few months or years’ time. And most of the time our fears and worries are based on imagination than based on reality, so there is no need to make a fuss about it.
– Generate Good Karma –
“The Law of Karma is not fatalistic. It gives you the ability to create your future.” – Master Choa Kok Sui
Understanding and harnessing the Law of Karma, we can create the future we wish to have. For anything
to happen, we need to be entitled. “It is in giving, that we receive.” Therefore, instead of worrying about future, we need to plant the right seeds, to harvest the desirable fruits.
Start with services, charity work, helping others and tithing, we attract a future filled with good health, happiness, prosperity and spirituality.
– Disintegrate It –
Worry is a type of energy, and therefore it can be disintegrated!
Using sciences like Pranic Healing, we can disintegrate worry and re-program our subconscious mind not to follow this vicious cycle. By purifying our system, removing worry and normalizing the chakras, we can experience happiness and inner peace.
– Transmute It –
Another way to get rid of lower vibrations and energies is to transmute them into higher vibrations. One of the fastest ways to do this, is to practice the “Meditation on Twin Hearts” developed by Master Choa Kok Sui.
Meditation on Twin Hearts is a simple yet effective guided meditation that helps to transmute lower
emotions and energies such as fear, worry and despair intro peace, calmness and hope, by becoming a
channel to bless every person and every being with love, peace, happiness and spiritual energies. In the process, we become filled with these positive vibrations and heal internally.
– Breathe It Out –
Pranic Breathing is composed of simple breathing techniques that purify the aura and increase our energy level. It helps to purify the Solar Plexus chakra, increase our energy level and make us feel more peaceful.
By doing deep abdominal breathing, the Solar Plexus chakra gets purified. The clouds of lower emotions
such as fear and worry get expelled out of our system and as a result we find ourselves feeling more peaceful. It also helps to increase our energy level that leads to better health.
Therefore, when you feel worried, just sit relaxed and practice 5 to 7 cycles of Pranic Breathing!
Shahwana Khanam – Pranic Healer