How To Cope With Depression? – By Shahela Sheikh


Understanding Depression & Tips On How You & Your Loved Ones Can Cope With Depression – Written By Shahela Sheikh

Depression brings your colourful life to a standstill. Some of the symptoms include feeling tired, lack of energy, lack of a drive all of these that can affect your daily livelihood. Depression is really becoming a common phenomenon in
today’s world. An overwhelming sadness can be a difficult emotion to deal with, but even worse when you are unaware of the situation or cannot understand what you are going through. Here is what you need to know about depression.

What is depression?
A state of excessive sadness, feeling down and having a loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities are familiar feelings for all of us.

Types of depressive disorders
1. Major Depressive Disorder: this is basically the most common. This includes a series of feeling low, unhappy, exhausted, worthless and constant thoughts about dying. This can be life-threatening.

2. Persistent Depressive Disorder: in this type of depression, the symptoms have lasted over 2 years. The symptoms are low self-esteem, irritability, anger, sad, lack of concentration and interest/pleasure.

3. Bipolar Disorder: previously known as manic depression, it is a mood disorder presenting itself with highs and lows. At times the mood is elevated and other times, one feels sad. The symptoms are similar as well they include low self-esteem, exhaustion & feeling disorganized. Bipolar needs immediate psychological interventions as they can be at 15 times more at risk to commit suicide.

4. Postpartum Depression: this happens during or after pregnancy. Notable symptoms include severe mood swings, isolation from friends and family, trouble bonding with the baby, panic attacks, thoughts of hurting or killing oneself and/or baby.

Sometimes going through a deep dark depression can be life threating and these are some of the things that one needs to keep in check. Start by talking to someone about it; a friend, a partner, a colleague, a family member or even see a psychologist.

Let’s Talk About Self-Care!

 Look for the warning signs & know your symptoms
 Understand your triggers
 Learn how to manage your triggers – see a therapist or get involved in a support group
 Learn techniques to help you cope in therapy
 Try to continue your normal routine, keep doing what you love
 Try and be social – avoid isolating
 Set goals to be on track
 Try an exercise plan
 Meditate
 Take on a new hobby

It is very important to set out time to do what you love. Try and stick to your normal routine, also add something exciting to your routine that elevates your mood, like meeting a friend, going for a peaceful walk or get involved in a healthy activity that you love & enjoy.


Shahela Sheikh – Psychologist

If you or your loved ones are suffering from depression, write to us and our expert will get in touch with you!

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