Is There A Magic Number When It Comes To How Often Should One Have Sex?
This is a common question couples have on their minds…”how much sex is quantified as good enough??”. The simple answer to this mind-boggling question, is, there is no magic number, and it actually varies from couple to couple and differs in different age groups.
Statistically speaking, if you googled this, you would find ‘once a week’ considered normal, yes, don’t let this number put you off. This is just a baseline number and actually means nothing, because how much sex a couple should be having depends completely on the couple itself! What’s important is the experience during sex. Is the couple sexually satisfied? It’s thus necessary to focus on the quality and not the quantity of sexual interaction.
There’s no doubt that sex is an important aspect of life, and it’s not just needed for reproduction or to help build intimacy or give one pleasure, but is known to be good for you in many more ways than you could possibly imagine!
As a couple, set your own number you are both happy with. Yes, you should be planning sex with your partner. There are instances, when spontaneous sex is possible but once life gets in the way, this becomes more and more unachievable, hence planning and scheduling sex is imperative. You need to keep your relationship ‘healthy & happy’, and like most things, sex should be on your schedule. Discuss with your partner and plan a time you both are comfortable and happy with.
For those whose sex lives are challenged, there are some steps you can take to overcome this:
1. Make Sure Your Relationship Isn’t Confined To The Bedroom Only. Is intimacy only present when you are in bed together? Both physical and emotional intimacy are needed to nurture and sustain the connection. Sex isn’t the only kind of love language! Use & nurture your love language, be it spending quality one-on-one time, or exchanging gifts, kind acts, or kind words.
2. Schedule Some Lovemaking Time. As mentioned earlier, sex should be planned, if you want to spice it up a little, plan a ‘sexcation’.
3. Work With The Body. Testosterone levels are noted to be at it’s peak in the morning, so try having morning sex. This also helps keep you fresh and happy the whole day!
If issues still persist, and you feel as though your sex life has been hampered, talk to a sex therapist to help assist you and your partner.
Remember, a lot of factors play a role, such as age, hormones, health, etc. which can be ruled out by a professional, hence it doesn’t hurt seeking professional help/advice.