H&S Chef Of The Month

Chef Eric Njue Mithamo
Nationality: Kenyan
Interview With H&S Magazine
Who Is Eric Njue Mithamo?
My name is Chef Eric, but many people know me more as Chef Makoti. I’m a proud husband and father of two. I’m a simple guy who finds satisfaction in making good food and, most importantly, enjoying the experience of eating.
Type Of Cuisine?
I’m a lover of meat and all things related to meat, i.e. be it grilling, smoking, and fire in general, regardless of the cuisine. I enjoy exploring how different parts of the world handle their BBQ; the flavours and changes in texture always fascinate me.
What Inspired You To Become A Chef?
I’ve always loved the kitchen since I was a kid. I never knew I could turn my love for cooking into a career as a man. Then, as a teen, I stumbled upon cooking shows, and men were in the front line looking cool with the white jackets and the controlled chaos in the kitchen, and I was instantly hooked. I knew from there this is what I wanted.
What Is The Biggest Challenge You Have Faced In The Culinary Industry?
As a chef specializing in private chef services, it has been challenging to set up kitchens in various houses or venues for different people. Although we’ve managed to navigate the system, each venue presents its unique challenges.
What’s Your Biggest Achievement In The Culinary Industry?
My biggest achievement has to be a personal one. I ventured into business (EdibleAdventures254) at 21 years old with my wife. It was a scary and confusing endeavour, but the business is still alive and kicking. I consider this to be my biggest success in the industry.
When It comes To Cooking, What Is More Important To You, The Technique, The Ingredients Or The Creativity?
I would pick all, but if I’m pressed to choose one, it would be technique. Technique is everything!
Recipe Of The Week: Habanero Marmalade Chicken

The Habanero Marmalade Chicken
• 1 whole chicken
• 1 tsp ground black pepper
• 1 orange zest
• ½ tsp paprika
• 4 Tbsp vegetable oil
• 4 cloves garlic, minced
• 2 habanero chilli
• ½ cup marmalade jam
• 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
• 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
• 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
Preparation: The Habanero Marmalade Chicken
In a blender, add all ingredients and blend to a paste, then rub and coat the chicken in the marinade and Let it sit in the marinade for a minimum of 4hrs in the fridge. Bake the chicken in an oven at 180° for 1hr. Keep basting regularly to keep the chicken moist. Once the juices dripping are clean, i.e. not bloody, the chicken is ready.
Serve the whole chicken with a plate of your favourite sides.