Google Loon: What Is It & How Will It Help Kenyans?

Google LoonGoogle Loon Project

What Is It & How Will It Help Kenyans?

Kenya & Google Have Agreed To Launch Google Loon To Help Overcome The Difficulties We May Face During The Pandemic Of Covid-19.

Due to the lack of Online Communication from developed areas to rural areas, Project Loon will allow doctors & professionals to offer their help & assistance Online To counter the war against Corona.


How Does It Work?


Billions of people around the world are still without internet access. Loon is a network of balloons travelling on the edge of space, delivering connectivity to people in unserved and underserved communities around the world.



The Kenyan Government has chosen to launch this project with Telkom Kenya Limited being Kenya’s first telecommunications provider in Kenya and was from inception, a government-owned company. So we will have to wait and see what rates they will be charging for the internet, but you can rest assured as this Technology was created for the people living in the rural areas the rates will be much cheaper and since it has already embraced LTE/4G technology, we can be sure it will be quick and accessible for mobile devices everywhere. The Loon Project balloons normally operate 20KM up in the sky (higher than aeroplanes flight patterns) and they will stay up for around 90 Days before descending back to the ground.


Only time will tell how quickly we will recover from the pandemic, but we are glad to hear that Kenya is on the right part to preserving the lives of our fellow Kenyans through this partnership with Google Loon, which has already proven itself in 2017 helping get over 100,000 Puerto Ricans online after Hurricane Maria decimated the island’s infrastructure.