Goal Setting For 2021 – Positive Reflection Of The Week

goal setting for 2021

Who Will You Be In 2021? – by Alia Datoo

Happy New Year everyone!

I feel like I’ve woken up from a restless slumber only to find myself (already!) in the second week of January! So much happened for me towards the end of 2020. I did not even get a chance to reflect on my year and plan for the new one. Which is why I am here, setting out my goals for the year, a ritual we all partake in.

But something is different about the energy of 2021. Is it fear or anticipation? I do not know, because it is hard to put a finger on it. The impression I am getting is, have a vision, but go with the flow.

2021, for me I feel, is going to be a year of less doing and more becoming. And as I pen this down, I am thinking out loud, Who or What do I want to Become? But most importantly WHY do I want to become what I want to become (careful now, don’t let your tongue get tied!)

Remember as children when we were asked what we wanted to become when we became rich and famous, and so many of us (including me) would say “RICH & FAMOUS” – ha! Ever thought of the WHY? No, neither did I.

Which is what brings me to why I want to set intentions, goals, visions (whatever you want to call them) differently this year. And I’ll be sharing these tips with you as well.

So, firstly, let’s get ourselves out of this panic-anxiety state of, “OMY I’ve crossed 1 st of January, I have no Goals, I AM Doomed!” Relax, we are not. It’s never too late to set a goal or a vision for yourself. The key is to stick to it. And that is why it is extremely important that your goal/intention/vision aligns with you.

Why do you want what you want? That is a very important question to ask yourself before setting these down. Are you doing it because it feels right to you, or are you setting it because someone expects that of you and you have to do it?

Do you want to be rich and famous because that is who society looks up to and accepts? Or do you want to have financial freedom and security so that you can help the less fortunate by setting up orphanages or learning centres for them? How about becoming Famous? What impact could your fame have on the rest of humanity?

There is this amazing way of aligning your goals and intentions. Think of a word, or two, or three. Like really think about this deeply. What do these words mean for you? And why have you chosen them? Once you have identified these words, centre your goal activities around them. Align your vision and your hobbies and interest around these three words and then, create your own mission/vision statement. It can be an affirmation for yourself that you can put down somewhere that keeps reminding you of your goal/intention.

Let me give you my example (and yes, you get to hold me accountable for this for the rest of 2021).

In 2020, with everything that was going around, I felt that I had lost focus on everything I had set out to do. Not only that, but because I was so busy trying to get things back to normal I felt like I had given away much of my power to people, things and situations that were simply not worth it. So my three words for 2021 are going to be: Re-Claim (My Power from these unserving people, things and situations), Re-Set (wipe the slate clean) and Re-Align (identify new goals/intentions that will serve my life purpose & highest good of all).

And here is what I want to become in 2021: Goal Setting For 2021
I want to be a Healer, a Teacher and a Leader who helps individuals Transform, Transcend and Transmute their current lives and scenarios so that they are able to live out the fullest and highest expression of themselves here on earth. I want to be a writer/author who Impacts lives through her. I want to be a Creatrix and an Alchemist who creates a great, big, huge shift in human consciousness. This will serve my life purpose and bring me abundance in all areas of my life.

So it’s your turn now. Who do you want to be in 2021? Goal setting for 2021

Goal Setting For 2021

Goal setting for 2021Alia Datoo, Transformational Holistic Energy Coach