Forgiveness – Positive Reflection Of The Week


The Power of Forgiveness

Inspired by the teachings of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui Founder of Arhatic Yoga & Modern Pranic Healing- By Shahwana Khanam

Many of us struggle with relationships gone sour, some with close relatives or friends or even with former workmates or boss/es. Life takes a toll on us, and we find ourselves after years the events have passed, that we are still holding on to the bitterness of hurt and pain that is still very fresh in our system. Every time we meet or think of the person/s or the event a feeling of emotions starts running in our minds, that can lead to lots of physical problems in the long run.

If we read articles from By Kirsten Weir January 2017, Vol 48, No. 1 – one can see how just by forgiveness it’s possible to heal Mental, Emotional and Physical problems, encountered by the human body. In this article, we will share the levels of forgiveness and in the next, we will share the technique on how to forgive.

Here we are going to focus on 7 levels of Forgiveness, and you need to ask yourself where you fit in?

o Zero level of forgiveness: the person has sworn eternal hatred goes with this hate not ready to forgive in any circumstances.
o First level of forgiveness: At the moment of death.
o Second level of forgiveness: The person forgives after ten, twenty, thirty years.
o Third level of forgiveness: The person forgives after a few years.
o Fourth level of forgiveness: The person forgives after a few months.
o Fifth level of forgiveness: The person forgives after a few weeks.
o Sixth level of forgiveness: The person forgives after a few days.
o Seventh level of forgiveness: The person forgives after a few moments

The seventh level needs to be your Target. If you want to have a peaceful and happy life!


 Hate binds two souls together – GMCKS
 Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. – Buddha
 Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. – Mark 11:25
 Whoever forgives and amends, he shall have his reward from Allah; surely He does not love the unjust – (Quran 42.40).
  In this world; what is there that forgiveness cannot achieve? – (Vedas)


Shahwana Khanam – Pranic Healer