Stop Wildlife Roadkills Along Mombasa Road – Saving The Voiceless!
Between Green Park and Chumvi on Mombasa Road, there is a dual highway that helps to relieve traffic congestion between the country’s capital Nairobi and the important port city of Mombasa. Although the road is crucial to preserving connectivity between the various regions of the nation, cutting through a wildlife dispersal area has a negative impact on wildlife conservation. Since the design of the road did not account for wildlife crossing like wildlife tunnels and green bridges, it has fragmented the landscape, resulting in negative impacts on wildlife. An enormous number and diversity of animals get struck by vehicles along the road.
According to our records, which are certainly an underestimate, 129 animals including endangered species like giraffe, cheetah and aardwolf lost their lives on this section in 2022 alone. Moreover, numerous human injuries, loss of life and damage to vehicles have occurred as a result.
Furthermore, the Athi-Kapiti ecosystem has been affected by the country’s widespread drought, which has accelerated the passage of wild animals across the region. The Athi-Kapiti lowlands, an important dispersal area linking Ol Donyo Sabuk and Tsavo to Nairobi National Park, are traversed by Mombasa Road. What was once an unfettered migration route is now disrupted?
Wild animals frequently cross busy roads in search of water, food, and mates, especially during this hard climate time, which raises the risk of collisions.
The majority of wildlife collisions on the section of road between Green Park and Chumvi are caused by speeding and poor visibility, especially at night. The animal population is already in decline due to a number of issues, including habitat loss and fragmentation, climate change, and road kills.
In 2022, a total of 129 animals were killed on Mombasa Road between Green Park and Chumvi.
The specific figures are as follows, as received from Stephen Tankard:
Giraffes: 10, Hartebeests: 5, Elands: 2, Zebras: 89, Serval cats: 1, Wildebeests: 13, Aardwolves: 1, Hyenas: 5, Impalas: 3
In order to conserve our wildlife and lessen the difficulties it faces; the road needs to be changed to make room for wild animals to cross along the busy route. Future road building projects that cross wildlife ecosystems should consult wildlife conservation experts for advice on sustainable development. This will help to preserve our beloved wildlife.
This Petition Therefore Demands:
1. Urgent review of the EIA mitigation plan to compel KeNHA to establish if it is fit for purpose and to take necessary actions to address this problem.
2. The installation of speed bumps and rumble strips, along this stretch of road by the Kenya National Highway Authority (KeNHA) to protect the wildlife.
3. The placement of warning signs against speeding by Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) in order to inform drivers about wildlife crossing, which will also save drivers from accidents and the cost of damage.
4. Establish underpasses and green overpasses to allow wildlife movement across the highway.
FoNNaP is a non-profit, volunteer driven organization that aims to support the conservation and protection of the Nairobi National Park and wildlife dispersal area. Help us conserve and celebrate this environment.
For More Information, Contact Us:
Call Felix Mutwiri (+254) 723 690 686