Fertility Foods That Help Increase Fertility – H&S Love Affair

fertility foods

5 Fertility Foods For Men & Women

Are you planning on making a baby? If so, did you know that apart from good health & good sleep a good diet & nutrition are of paramount importance in getting your body prepared for making a baby & this is true for both men & women? Below is a list of foods that should be included in your fertility diet to help increase your chances of conceiving & a list of foods that should be avoided!

5 Superfoods Men & Women Should Include In Their Diet, Especially when trying to Conceive:

1. Oysters-ferti

we all know this food to be an aphrodisiac that is they increase the sex hormones & libido, but did you know that this food this actually high in Zinc content which is a nutrient needed to help increase semen volume & sperm motility as well as increases the production of good quality eggs in women?


2. Dark Green Leafy Vegetable-

For e.g. spinach, asparagus etc are high in folate or vitamin B9 and also plays a role in producing healthy sperm as well as improve ovulation & play a role in naturally increasing a woman’s libido.


3. Dark Chocolate-

This contains L-arginine an amino acid that changes into nitric oxide (NO) which is a neurotransmitter that helps relax the blood vessels and improve circulation. This is true not just for the heart but also for the penis & can also improve the sperm count & quality over time & for women, it promotes blood flow to the uterus and ovaries.


4. Foods That Are High In Omega-3 Fatty Acids-

Fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel to name a few, walnuts etc must be included in the fertility diet as this helps regulate the blood flow to the reproductive organs of both men & women it also helps increase the quality as well as quantity of the sperm. It is also known for increasing dopamine production & reducing risk for depression.


5. Vitamin C Rich Foods-

Oranges, tomatoes etc are rich in vitamin C that doesn’t just help boost your immunity but in men helps improve sperm motility, count, as well as the morphology & in women, promotes iron absorption as well as progesterone (female hormone) production which can help promote fertility especially in women who have insufficient progesterone.

3 Foods To Avoid Having Whilst Trying to Conceive:

  1. Fried Foods/Trans Fats- It can cause inflammation & insulin resistance, which lowers female fertility & in excess can damage blood vessels, where the reproductive system is unable to get nutrients. In men, they can decrease the sperm count and should be avoided as much as possible.
  2. Full-fat Dairy Should Be Avoided By Men & Low-Fat Dairy Should Be Avoided By Women- Full-fat dairy Contains oestrogen and lowers sperm count. Low-fat milk, yoghurt etc may contain androgens that are male hormones which when consumed can interfere with your menstrual cycle hindering fertility.
  3. Alcohol- Lowers testosterone & reduces sperm count in men whereas in women can contribute to infertility, depletes vitamin B which is needed to improve your chances of pregnancy and support the growth of a fetus.