3 Easy Exercises To Alleviate Sciatica
Sciatica is an excruciating pain that is usually caused by pressure on the Sciatic Nerve that radiates down one or both of the legs from the lower back. Below are 3 common exercises that can help alleviate Sciatica. However, before attempting any of the below exercises, it is recommended to seek your doctor’s advice.
1. Knee To Chest Or Knee To Opposite Shoulder
2. Back Extension
Begin with lying on your stomach with your upper body propped up on your elbows, whilst hips touch the floor. Hold this position starting from 5 seconds working up to 30 seconds (make sure you don’t bend your neck backwards). Do 8-10 reps.
3. The Bridge
Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and arms flat on the side, with your palms facing down on the floor. Make sure your feet are together flat on the ground. Raise your buttocks off the floor and hold this bridge position for 8-10seconds, then slowly lower to the ground. Do 8-10 sets.