Enjoying Your Family Safari – Article by Gareth Jones

Enjoying Your Family Safari


This time of year with the Christmas holidays in full swing, many families are travelling to various vacation destinations within Kenya. Naturally, the lure of the coast is an attraction for those who enjoy the seaside experiences. However, many people also seek to find vacation venues in wild areas like National Parks and reserves.

Irrespective of the choice of venue, in order to really enjoy a family safari it is important to plan well in advance. It is a well-known fact that the heavy rains this year did affect the plans of many people. However, thankfully the rains have slowed down allowing many areas to become dry enough to visit and enjoy. The thrill of adventure is something that many people can identify with, especially those people who have already visited numerous safari venues within Kenya and even East Africa.

We are all different, therefore the decisions we make will never be the same. However, in my opinion, irrespective of where people spend their holiday time, it is very important the enjoyment starts with the relaxing and restoring that is necessary after a long year of work. I believe that God also put natural fauna and flora on this planet to help us to recover from the stresses of life.

It is my sincere hope and prayer that many people “recharge their batteries” so that at the end of the holidays, they are ready to face the year 2020, revitalized and energized.

The purpose of this article is not to attempt to list the many wonderful venues within Kenya and East Africa, as it is not very difficult to find accommodation, venues nowadays due to internet access and efficient travel agents. Rather the purpose of this article is to attempt to encourage many people to plan their leave with the objective of maximizing their enjoyment.

However, enjoyment can come in many different forms. The Christmas season is a time of caring and giving and helping others, and a time of bringing families together in a wonderful way. It is written that “The Joy of the Lord is our strength”. So my humble prayer is that you all have a joy-filled time of rest and restoration and return home safely.


enjoying your family safariGareth Jones – Nairobi Park Dairy – A passionate writer & photographer

One thought on “Enjoying Your Family Safari – Article by Gareth Jones

  1. stevedaly697 says:

    Happy New Year Gareth! I totally agree with your comments in this article. Nature is God’s way of helping us to recharge our batteries and of course it is proven that time spent with nature is so beneficial to your mental wellbeing. I am at my most relaxed when on safari and connecting with nature. Will I see something? Yes, for certain. What will I see? That is for me the lure of safari, not knowing what I might see. In certain areas you can be most sure of seeing certain species i.e. Elephants in Tsavo or Amboseli; Lions in the Mara, but even then there are no guarantees. On my last visit to Samburu we didn’t see a single Lion in three days! Where were they, I asked my driver. Probably on the other side of the river, he replied. However, those three days produced Cheetahs, Leopards each day, plus my first sighting of Bat-eared Foxes. Time spent on safari is never time wasted.

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