Energy Hygiene & Its Importance In Our Lives – By Shahwana Khanam
We are living beings with living energy fields. Just as the quality of water is important to the life of the fish in an aquarium, the energetic environment around us is critical to one’s well-being. Just as we have an energy field, the spaces we live and work in also radiate different kinds of energies, which tend to get affected by one’s thoughts and emotions. Energy hygiene or psychic hygiene is as important as physical hygiene since it affects our physical as well as psychological health. Hence it is important to purify your space to maintain overall well-being.
That’s why we notice, before moving into new office spaces or homes we clean the space, do religious prayers, actually this concept is cleansing of energy. When we stay in a place for long, our emotions and thoughts get impregnated in the area. For example, you walk into a building or someone’s home, if the people living there are happy, you feel the vibrations, feel comfortable being there. Just like, for example, walking into a kindergarten seeing little kids running around, now that’s a happy environment & the energy there is clean, but if we walk into a hospital, the energy does not seem happy, why? because there are people not well, stress-energy is immediately felt. These emotions we feel or pick are from our own energy field around us. So, now you understand why it is important to have energy hygiene maintained alongside physical hygiene!
Some ways of having your office/home space clean from an energy preceptive:
Maintain a Positive Attitude.
Affirmations really play a role in creating positive vibes and mood changes, here are a few examples:
• All is well in my world.
• I am at peace.
• I release my past and live with calm and serenity.
• There are beautiful things happening in my life daily.
• My environment is a garden of peace.
• I AM free to be me and express myself openly.
• I am peaceful in the midst of confusion.
Playing Positive – Happy Soulful Music.
Music for aeons of ages has been part of human companionship. Playing the right tunes, not only has a positive effect on your mood but the environment as a whole. Always choose happy melodies.
Watch Happy TV Shows.
Colourful wall/Painting and Windows.
Colourful wall, flowers, plants play a part in one having a happy life. Choose colours such as light yellows, baby pinks, lilacs for that feel of ‘serenity’ when you are home. Open your windows allow fresh air to flow in, have fresh flowers to add that freshness. Avoid dark colours in your office and home, it not only makes the space look dark but affects your energy levels. Wind chimes are another concept used by many Feng Shui practitioners to disintegrate unwanted energy.
Use Salt.
One can mop the floor of the house with salt and water on a daily basis. This cleanses the floor of a lot of dirty, diseased, and used-up energies. Explore.
Light Incense/Burn lavender Oil or Rose Oil in Burners.
Use Specific Mantras.
These create positive, good vibrations for home and office. Check this website for more information.
Spiritual Practices.
Spiritual practices that pull down Divine energy are also effective and powerful in energetically cleansing a place. These practices include the Meditation on Twin Hearts.
Shahwana Khanam – Pranic Healer