Emotional Abuse – An Article By Alvira Diwan

Emotional Abuse - An Article By Alvira Diwan

Emotional Abuse- A Form Of Abuse Worse Than Physical One! – Written By Alvira Diwan

It is a human tendency to overlook things which are not visible to our eyes. Anything that is noticeable is taken care of, and something which cannot be seen is ignored for a lifetime until a need arises.

Ironically, verbal and physical abuse is given more priority, whereas emotional abuse is regarded as something of least importance.

Physical abuse can be diagnosed early as the damage can be seen. It can be treated, healed and the scars fade away with time. Whereas, emotional abuse is undiagnosable unless some severe issues arise. It is the worst kind of treatment anyone can get. When a person is abused emotionally, it leaves a permanent scar in their memory which doesn’t fade with time, on the contrary, any similar situation freshens up their memories breaking them apart once again. A traumatic experience can trigger the abusive phase of a person’s life, making him vulnerable.

A person who is emotionally Intelligent is less likely to be a victim of emotional abuse.

A relationship where one of the partners is manipulative and abuses his or her partner emotionally leaves the person victimized and scarred for life.

Identifying emotional abuse can be tough, as the partner is an expert in manipulating situations. Being sarcastic at a great level all the time, calling names, verbally abusing, criticizing everything you do are some of the signs of emotional abuse to look out for.

It leaves the victim to have a wounded personality, one that has less or absolutely no level of confidence or self-worth. They begin to feel that it is their fault and blame themselves for everything that is happening to them.

Coming out of such relationships is not easy, because the victim is trapped and is completely lost to find a way to living life like a normal person without self-doubts and guilt. They tend to develop a greater risk of mental disorders and are rarely in a position to make decisions until they get a third person to make them understand the situation and its solution.

“Be kind to people around you, you have no idea what they go through in their personal lives.”


Alvira Diwan
Masters in Clinical Psychology
PsychWorks Clinic


Are you a victim of emotional abuse? Do you have any questions in relation to emotional abuse? Leave your comments below & our psychologist Alvira Diwan will get back to you!