Embracing Reflection: The Power Of Seeing Ourselves In Others – Article by Shahwana
When we see ourselves in other people, it can be a great opportunity for growth if we are willing to do the work. Most of us have probably come across the universal wisdom that the people who irritate us the most are expressing qualities that we ourselves possess.
This is why family members can be so vexing for so many of us—we see ourselves in them, and vice versa. This isn’t always true, of course, but when it is, it’s a real opportunity for growth if we can acknowledge it, because it is infinitely easier to change ourselves than it is to try to change another person, which is never a good idea. For example, if we have a co-worker who engages in some kind of negative behaviour, like complaining or trying to control everything, we can look and see if we ourselves carry those traits.
What you meditate on, you become.
So if we focus our energy on people who are inspiring us, we will be focusing on the energy, in no time we find us imitating that personality and acting like them. That’s the positive, however the same implies for the negative energy. When we see ourselves in other people, it can be a great opportunity for growth if we are willing to do the work.
So be yourself and meditate and flow with energies of goodness and positive vibrations.
Shahwana Khanam – Pranic Healer