Discover The Key Habits For Embracing Change & Cultivating Self-Awareness – Article by Shahwana
You need to begin by taking baby steps towards becoming a better version of yourself.
Awareness is the key to understanding yourself. Ask yourself: where do I need to apply this ‘change’ and why? First spend time alone; spend about 10 minutes a day on being aware of your personal habits, which on the subconscious level you know, need adjustment but the mind keeps telling you otherwise. By being aware you are also allowing the mind to accept these changes, now the physical part becomes easy by the day, remember any transformation takes time, effort and awareness.
Next begin by making small changes or break up large-scale changes into more manageable increments. This can make you feel better about handling the changes you are about to make, while making you more comfortable with change in general.
Mentally link changes to established daily rituals. This can make changes happen much more smoothly, just like taking on a new habit, starting a new job, or adapting to a new home. For example, if you want to begin meditating at home, try weaving it into your morning routine.
Go with the flow as this can help you accept change instead of resisting it. If you stay flexible, you will be able to ride out change without too much turbulence.
When a change feels most stressful, relief can often be found in finding the good that it brings. An illness, a financial loss, or a broken relationship can seem like the end of the world, yet they also can be blessings in disguise.
Remember, that all changes involve a degree of learning. If you find change particularly stressful, try to keep in mind that after this period of transformation has passed, you will be a wiser person. Be gentle towards yourself, do your best because it’s for you. Don’t give up exploring your inner self. Remember the key is to spend with yourself; only ten minutes daily, of this inner awareness can shift your life.
Embracing Change: Taking Baby Steps Towards Personal Transformation
Shahwana Khanam – Pranic Healer