Elevate Your High Tea & Get-Together With J.K. Florists’ Exquisite Floral Arrangements

Elevate Your High Tea & Get-Together With J.K. Florists' Exquisite Floral Arrangements

Bring Elegance & Beauty To Your High Tea Or Get-Together With Our ‘Exquisite’ Floral Creations!

Looking to add a touch of elegance and beauty to your space for a high tea gathering or a get-together at home? Our fresh floral arrangements are the perfect choice to elevate any space and brighten up your event, whether it’s in the comfort of your home or at an event hall! With the freedom to choose your preferred flowers, you can rely on J.K. Florists to craft sophisticated and stunning arrangements tailored to your taste. Discover the artistry of our work in the gallery below and make your occasion truly memorable! Give us a call to discuss your requirements today.


Your All Occasion Florists & Decorators

We specialise in the following:

Weddings │ Bouquets │ Parties │ Arrangements │ Hall Decorations │ Fresh Flowers │ Dry Flowers │Mandaps/Marquees/Stage Decorations


Shop number 7B
Amani Plaza
3rd Parklands Avenue, Highridge.


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Looking To Order Fresh Floral Arrangements? 

Contact Mr. Asif Chaudhary:

Call Now +254722344124

Call Now +254722726961

Contact Us [email protected]