Pauline’s Message: ‘I am a believer that each day is an opportunity to learn something new and pain too can be a lesson to learn from.’
It’s in the darkest season in our lives that we get to appreciate the light and the people who hold candles to light up our world. It’s in these moments that we get to appreciate the little acts of love and appreciation from people around us. They say you never know what you’ve got until it’s gone, but I believe you never know the power within you until you try out something new in your life.
Fear and anxieties have been the major battles in my life. I don’t like being comfortable with any situation, be it pain, success, etc. I am a believer that each day is an opportunity to learn something new and pain too can be a lesson to learn from. When the first COVID-19 case was announced in Kenya, I was more than terrified, I felt like the world was crushing in my hands.
The next thing, schools closed. I had only 3 weeks to complete my diploma in a journalism course and now it seemed like things were getting worse. My biggest worry was my community, but in my circle, I had wonderful people who checked up on me and challenged me to find that which makes me happy and keep on doing it.
As days went by I found reasons to keep going, I felt calm and I found wonderful people who supported our course in making another person’s life. The #Kindnessmission, a charitable program gave me an opportunity to learn the act of kindness from people all around the world. From every donation we received, my heart melted with gratitude and I opened to more ideas of keeping our society safe from COVID-19.
I have met wonderful people in my life and those who believed in my dreams and gave me a platform to live my purpose. In this season of uncertainty, I have become more aware of who I am and my purpose on earth. I have felt love and have more reasons to keep going. It’s because of you and me that the world is a better place.
You just need to get out of your comfort zone & embrace fear and do what makes you happy! Always remember to calm down and just be the authentic you!
Pauline Juma, Age 25, Founder of ‘Rebirth Of A Queen’