Does Tuition Help Children Score Well? – By Rekha


Pros & Cons Of Tuitions: Everything You Need To Know Before Sending Your Child For Tuitions! – Written By Rekha Manchandia

Before sending your kids for tuitions you must know all the pros and cons of it.
Today, tuitions have become vital for the preparation of Boards and Competitive exams. But, are they necessary for lower classes? Is sending kids to tuitions, a right step?

The need for tuitions arose; when the family structure changed from joint to nuclear one and both parents got busier with added responsibilities. The need also arose; where parents were not educated enough or where both the parents were working.

Tuitions have become compulsive today, as the school teachers are too busy with non-academic work and can’t pay the needed attention to individual students in an overcrowded class.

How productive are Tuitions?  
# Kids get help and guidance with their Homework and Projects.
# Kids get into the discipline of regular study and revision.
# Children get personal attention. Their difficulties and shortcomings get detected and sorted in time.
# Regular revision makes their concepts and base strong and builds confidence in them. It also helps in strengthening their interest in studies.
# Children, who are shy, learn to open up with the teacher.

When Do Tuitions Become a Bane?        
# When tuition classes are too crowded, the main purpose to get personal attention, gets eluded.
# When tuition-hours are too long(3- 4 hours daily). It does more harm than good, in the long run.
# If the teacher is not suitably qualified.
# If the teacher is short-tempered or is overly strict or has psychological problems.

Some Recommendations:
# Make a thorough inquiry about Tutor’s qualification, nature and temperament.
# Try to avoid tuition classes, which are overcrowded (at least for the kids in the primary level). In crowded classes, a child has to wait for the teacher’s attention, when he/she has some difficulty. To compensate, the teacher takes long duration classes. The children get bored & frustrated, and they either start talking or resort to mischief & further get punished. It mars their spirit.
# Usually, parents get impressed with tutorials running long-hour classes and seek them. Parents feel long hours mean more practice and more revision. But, long hour tuitions devoid children of their playtime and as the saying goes “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. It poses a threat to their physical and psychological growth. Many a time, these children develop strong averseness for studies, when they grow up. (it’s okay if long-hour class happen occasionally).

So, being a conscious parent, think well before sending your kids to tuitions.


Rekha Manchandia
Postgraduate in Mathematics & Psychology
Psychological Counselor with more than 24 years of experience