Do What You Can By Alvira Diwan – Positive Reflection Of The Week

Do what you can

‘Do What You Can, With All You Have, Wherever You Are’ – Message By Alvira Diwan

The phase is definitely Difficult, unexpected and unfortunate. You have an option to sit in your home and sulk about it or to make the most of this period of Isolation. Remember that time you were so busy in life, struggling between the office and home tired with all the travelling? All you were asking for was a break from the Stressful routine and a Peaceful stay at home! Now that you have it, you’re still stressing about being trapped.
Don’t be guilty, it’s normal human nature to question and crib about everything that comes in life, on the basis of how it came.

All you need to do is to accept this phase, Make the most of your time, pursue your hobby that you could not because of lack of time!
Learn a new skill, develop the one you already have, this will give you a sense of productivity. Which is the need of the hour.
Spend time with your family, do everything with them that you couldn’t do because of lack of time.
Sit down and ponder upon things you wished to do while you were busy with life, do the things which are still possible in this restricted phase.
Even if you are working from home, make it comfortable and enjoyable. Listen to your favourite music while sitting and working in your Comfortable position something which you couldn’t do in Office.
Catch up with friends and family through video calls, we have the best of technology for communication, make the most of it.
Help people around you, listen to them, be kind and positive.

Lastly but most importantly, Count your Blessings. You’re sitting in the comfort zone of your house with your family having all the basic necessities of life. Not many have them in this difficult time.

Remember that time changes, changing the situation too. Hoping it brings a better tomorrow for us!


do what you canAlvira Diwan
Masters in Clinical Psychology
PsychWorks Clinic