Divorce – By Shahela Sheikh


How To Cope With A Divorce – Written By Shahela Sheikh

A divorce can bring out an emotional turmoil for anyone going through it. Anyone who has been through a divorce especially involving kids has advocated that it isn’t easy. According to simple Google statistics, people who undergo a divorce undergo a variety of psychological issues including increased stress, lower life satisfaction, depression, increased medical visits and an overall increase in mortality risk compared to those who remain married.

Marriage seems a good idea until it reaches the mutual blame-casting stage, where the emotional distress begins, then comes the disheartening divorce process. Depending on where you live and the specific circumstances, divorce can be a long and drawn-out legal process, add in the trauma that divorce brings (e.g. involving custody battles over children), it’s a nightmare for many people.

Divorces are sometimes part and parcel of life. In many situations, if you have resorted to divorce, meaning you have tried all available avenues, as much it may seem like it’s a nightmare but there is always a morning after it. So, if you are going through a divorce this article might just be for you.

Coping With Divorce:

1. Recognize that it’s ok to have different feelings: The feelings that are accompanied by divorce are sadness, exhaustion, anger, frustration, and confusion. All these feelings are normal, even though they may seem intense. Accept that they will lessen over time.
2. Give yourself a break: Give yourself permission to feel and to function at a less optimal level for at least some time.
3. Do not go through this alone: Always seek support from a loved one, a friend or even a professional psychologist.
4. Take care of yourself emotionally and physically: Leading a healthy lifestyle is very important at this stage, you can exercise, eat well, meditate, take up a new hobby and rest.
5. Avoid power struggles and arguments with your spouse or former spouse: This is always a good idea! Try to calm down and come back later to deal with it.
6. Think positively: This goes without much saying! Every cloud has its silver lining.
7. Handle your kids with care: Always listen to your kids and reassure them that it isn’t their fault. Try and maintain stability and routines, be reliable to your children, offer consistent discipline to your children & the last and most important never involve your children in your conflict.


Shahela Sheikh – Psychologist

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