Dependent To Independent! – By Bilkis Bhandwalkar

dependent to independent

Dependent To Independent: From A Child To A Teenager- Written by Bilkis Bhandwalkar

The physical, mental and emotional development of the child continues and in no time you have a young, spirited teenager right in front of you.
This adolescence stage is very crucial for the youngster as he/she has to cope with too many changes simultaneously.
The hormonal secretions and the physical changes play havoc with them.
Encourage them, instil confidence in them so that they overcome the anxiety of growing-up. You have to be there but still not there (sounds cliche) stay passive..let your child feel he/she can… and with your support they sure will.
Forget PREACHING and be PATIENT. Give your valuable inputs but in a very casual way without offending their “FRAGILE EGO”!!!
It’s a trying time for both… the child and the parents.. a time to apply your WIT instead of WISDOM.. gradually wean your child out from being DEPENDENT to INDEPENDENT as this is the ultimate truth.
Remember even the mother bird lets the fledgling soar high out in the sky no sooner the little birdie flaps the wings and learns to fly. This is the call of NATURE…love them, nurture them and then set them free…as everyone is BORN TO BE FREE!!!!

dependent to independentIf you have any concerns or questions about parenting, leave your comments below & our expert will get back to you!