Communicating The Right Way: Every Couple Needs To Talk It Out!

Being in a relationship isn’t easy, as every relationship has its fair share of both good and not so good moments. Remember, you and your partner are not the same and hence having clashes and disagreements from time to time is completely normal. It’s how you as a couple manage the clashes and disagreements. The end goal is to work together to building a stronger connection, and healthy communication is the key. In order to have effective, healthy communication, you first need to identify poor communication & what you need to avoid:
1. Passive-aggressive Communication- This involves acting aggressively indirectly where a person is angry, but in a subtle or indirect way. An example of this type of communication could be always cracking jokes about your partner’s habit that annoys you.
It’s important to avoid this type of communication, as in the long run it can break your relationship. It’s important to talk to your partner clearly about what annoys you and causes frustration, rather than you using ‘passive-aggressive’ communication to show your frustration.
2. Avoiding Conflicts- Another negative thing to do is not have conversations that you feel may lead to conflict. The truth is in the long run avoiding and ignoring certain issues may just like a pressure cooker explode.
Always be upfront and have a civil conversation with your partner. Conflicts can be inevitable but chances are if you and your partner have the same goal you will be able to resolve the issues and work around them.
3. Aggressive Communicating Method- If you need to keep raising your voice, yell, blame, try and take over the conversation, then this is extremely toxic.
Try to remember, how you would like to be spoken to, every time you put yourself in your partner’s shoes, you will consciously avoid using any aggression whilst communicating.
Now that you know what needs to be avoided, it’s time to focus on how you can better your communication!
4. Bringing Up Partner’s Past Mistakes- Avoid bringing up your partner’s past mistakes in the current conversation. Leave the past in the past and focus on the current. By bringing up the past mistakes you won’t be resolving anything.
5. Walking Away- No issue gets resolved by walking away. In fact, walking away amidst, leaves the conflict hanging and unresolved.
Tips For Better Communication-
1. Check On Your Emotions- If you are not in the right frame of mind for whatever reason, it’s important to give yourself some time to think and calm down before saying anything. In order to have a healthy communication, you need to be in the right frame of mind and not emotional, angry or upset.
2. Check The Timing- Choosing the right time to communicate is important. Whilst doing so, make sure you give your partner a heads-up, so they are mentally prepared.
3. Check On How You Begin With The Communication- When having a conversation, especially about certain uncomfortable things, it’s important your partner doesn’t feel like they’re being blamed or called out. An example is ‘You’re always busy on your phone’, this statement directly accuses the partner, however a statement like: ‘I feel we should spend some time together away from the gadgets’, is less accusing and a better way of having a positive conversation.
4. Check If You Are Listening & Being Heard- The goal is to communicate effectively. You don’t have to agree with your partner’s point of view, but you must listen to how they feel, and this should be applied to both.
5. Check If You Are Both Coming To An Understanding- The communication should end where both parties feel satisfied. A resolution is a must and for this even if it requires some form of compromise it should be resolved with willingness from both.