Stepping Outside Of Your Comfort Zone – By Michelle Arscott
‘Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.’ Anon
This week’s video focuses on the importance of living outside of your comfort zone. It is very easy to stay in this comfortable, secure and safe psychological place. Following the same routines and habits, connecting with the same people and following the same patterns.
Isn’t life more than just that? Isn’t it about living, exploring and exposing yourself to new things so that you can grow and develop? Isn’t it about reaching your full potential and in the process taking risks, challenging yourself and experiencing new things?
Change and stepping outside of your comfort zone is scary and uncomfortable, like going into a storm. At times you will most probably ‘FAIL,’ NB the acronym for FAIL is in fact First Attempt In Learning, but you can try again, maybe approaching the situation in a different way, in the process, you will learn, develop and grow.
Reflect on your life, have the biggest learning moments been around failure?
When you emerge from this messy stage of being outside of your comfort zone, you will actually find that the storm has passed and you are left with glorious sunshine. You emerge as a better version of yourself. Stepping out of your comfort zone is in fact stepping into your dreams, your passion and your excellence.
You don’t even need to make a big leap, you could start with small simple steps. Every step you take will make the next step easier and you will begin to see the impact of those steps which will in turn encourage you to continue.
Small steps could be: signing up for that writing class, attending that first spin class, saying no to that friend, committing to one self-care act a week or seeing a life coach.
Your challenge today is to take that small step and do something different, it is time to step into your zone of growth.
What are you going to do today?
‘In the absence of a challenge, there is comfort. In the presence of comfort, there is no change.’ – Matt Lemonade
Mental Wellness Is A Priority
Michelle Arscott– is an experienced ICF accredited adult and kids life coach, she is known as ‘The International Life Coach.’ She is also an accredited and certified mindfulness practitioner.