Cobra Pose Or Bhujangasana- Yoga For Beginners

Cobra Pose

Bhujangasana Also Known As the Cobra Pose

Bhujangasana or the Cobra Pose helps strengthen your spine whilst stretching the chest, lungs, abdomen & shoulders.


1. Lie on the floor on your belly, with your palms & chin touching the floor (make sure your legs are straight).

2. Inhale & lift your chest up & off the ground while straightening your arms (stay in this position for 15-20 seconds whilst breathing normally)

3. Exhale & return back to the floor.


Benefits of Bhujangasana Or The Cobra Pose

The Cobra Pose has many amazing benefits. Some of the benefits are:

1. It strengthens & stretches the spine adding flexibility to it.
2. It stretches the shoulders & abdomen.
3. It stretches the chest & lungs & helps ease the symptoms of asthma.
4. It helps improve digestion by massaging and stimulating organs.
5. It helps in toning & firming of the buttocks.
7. It relieves stress and lethargy.
8. It helps reducing lower back stiffness & helps relieve Sciatica.


Cobra Pose

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*Video Credits: KinoYoga