Building Confidence In Your Child – H&S Education & Parenting

Building Confidence In Your Child - H&S Education & Parenting

How To To Help Raise A Confident Child

Building Confidence In Your Child Confidence is the key to your child’s happy and healthy future. Remember, children that are confident are better prepared to handle situations such as whilst encountering a bully, peer pressure, challenges etc. It is, however, the parents’ responsibility whilst raising the child to inculcate confidence in their child.
So are you struggling to raise a confident child? Remember your words and actions can make or break a child, so if you want to boost your child’s confidence and raise a confident child, be careful & most importantly be wise with your words and kind with your actions!

10 Practices To Help Boost Your Child’s Confidence:

1. Positive Self-Talk – Yes, being positive at all times can help build confidence in a child. Remember all negative words such as I can’t do this, I am not good etc brings down the confidence and becomes fodder for low self-esteem. It’s therefore important to preach positive words and thoughts and refrain from using negative terms.

2. Use A Goal Chart – Let your child have things they want to achieve or do be expressed on a goal chart. This way all their realistic goals can be listed and once they are achieved they can show them they are capable, boosting their confidence.

3. Express Your Unconditional Love – It is very important to let children know that they are loved no matter what. When you get angry and criticize a child for their mistake it shakes their confidence, making them feel unworthy. Make sure your child knows, at all times, that they are loved!

4. Praise Your Child Appropriately – For any achievement, be it a start at school for being the best teacher’s helper or at home for finishing homework without any or little help. Make sure you praise your child by using words like ‘Mommy & Daddy are proud of you because…’

5. Never Compare Your Child – Every child has strengths and weaknesses and most importantly every child is different. Avoid comparing your child to another. Using statements that can be negative or derogatory like ‘Your friend is so good at Math, why can’t you be like him/her?’ etc can really damage a child’s self-confidence. Always be positive and praise the strengths rather than outlining the weaknesses.

6. Praise In Public – Praising your child in private is one thing but praising him/her in public and letting him/her hear it just so rewarding to a child. Remember when you say it in public it makes it all the more believable & meaningful.

7. Encourage Participation In Public Speaking Or Theatre At School – Public speaking/acting boosts a child’s confidence. It helps by getting them out of their comfort zone.

8. Show Off Their Achievements – If it means hanging certificates or displaying trophies or just their artwork make sure you do it as it will help boost their confidence.

9. Teach Them Failure Doesn’t Mean The End – Many children, in general, get discouraged and heartbroken when parents yell at them for example if they failed at a test in school. This discourages the child and even if they were able to perform better the next time, just because they have been yelled at they believe they are incapable and won’t be able to. As a parent make sure you teach your child that failure is a part of growth. No one is perfect and before success comes failure.

10. Encourage A Hobby – Whether it’s the violin your child wants to learn how to play or whether it’s football. Make sure your child can participate in some extracurricular activity as it too helps to build the confidence of a child.



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