My Office Is Closed, I’m Working From Home, How Is My Business Going To Survive This Pandemic? Build An Online Store In Kenya

6 Steps To Building An Online Store In Kenya

With H&S Reliance Group

With an ever-changing world, you want to prepare your business for the future, this is not the time to say “let me wait a few more years and see if it’s going to catch up in Kenya” or “Online businesses don’t work in Kenya”. If you haven’t realised it yet, businesses that have already taken the steps to implement their online business are the only businesses that are thriving in this pandemic.


Step 1: Identify A Domain

There are many domains to choose from,, .store, .online, .digital, choose something relevant to your business and if you do plan to franchise or grow outside Kenya choose something that will not restrict your growth e,g,

You can follow this link if you would like to check availability:


Step 2: Draw Up A Sitemap (structure of your website)

It always helps to look at some of the best companies in the world and see what pages they have, what functions they have and follow them as a guideline as well as implement your own ideas.


Step 3: Know What Services Or Products You Want To Sell Online, And Identify How You Intend To Deliver It To Your Client.

For this, we always advise registering your company & opening a bank account that will be able to receive those payments online, if you will be charging in different currencies apart from Kenya Shilling, opening accounts for those currencies too, would be important so that you don’t lose out on exchange rates.

Here at H&S Reliance Group Ltd, having been in e-Commerce for over 15 years we have already tried and tested the best online payment gateways companies in Kenya and delivery companies that we can set up and integrate for you, at no extra cost if you don’t have one already.


Step 4: Prepare Your Content.

Always be ready with your content to avoid delays in building.

Content that is required:

  1. Logo (to follow your brand colours)
  2. About Your Company
  3. Contact Numbers
  4. Links To Social Media Accounts If Any
  5. Categories Of Online Services/Products e.g. Shoes, t-shirts, perfumes etc…
  6. Attributes: these are specifics that buyers can filter from in your shop, for example, if a browser is shopping for shoes he/she may want to search by shoe size or colour to check availability.
  7. Prepare your terms and conditions that you want users to accept when placing orders e.g. Terms Of Delivery, Terms Of Payment, Terms Of Returns, Disclaimers etc…
  8. Images of products, location, team members, etc…
  9. Videos (if any)


Step 5: Prepare Your Self To Run Your Shop.

When Online Stores are created, it is important to understand that your store should be run just like any other store you open in a mall or building, you need to add products, give offers and sales, update availability, prepare items for delivery after orders are placed online, issue invoices and ETR Receipts with your orders, etc…


Step 6: You Are Now Opened For Business, Does It End There?

After your website is completed, it is important to tell the world that you are opened for business, Here at H&S Reliance Group Ltd we have created something Necessary for all online businesses called “Retention Marketing & Online Management Services”.

Here below are some of the services that we provide as a package under this:

  • Updates to your website pages, MYSQL, PHP & Modules
  • Newsfeed management
  • Email Marketing
  • Push Notification Marketing
  • Social Media marketing
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimisation for every page and product uploaded
  • Search Engine Submissions
  • Enquiry Management


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