Breathing Exercise Helps Alleviate Stress

Breathing Exercise Helps Alleviate Stress

Reduce Stress With Regular Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises are one of the best & simplest forms of exercise to reduce stress. If you are stressed and want to get rid off your stress you can learn to voluntarily control your respirations with slow, deep, regular breathing to promote relaxation.

Breathing Exercises:

Simple breathing exercises can help reduce stress levels.

Here are the steps:

  1. Breath in slowly & deeply (make sure your stomach is pushed out).
  2. Hold your breath for a bit.
  3. Now exhale slowly (think *relax*).
  4. Repeat the above 5-10 times (focus on breathing deeply & slowly).

This deep breathing exercise is easy and can be done at any time, anywhere to alleviate your stress. You don’t necessarily need to practice deep breathing exercises only when you are stressed you can practice this regularly for a happy stress-free life.