Breaking Up Even If You’re Happy – H&S Love Affair

breaking up

5 Reasons When Breaking Up Even If You’re Happy, Is A Good Idea!

As soon as you hear a couple has broken up, you jump to the conclusion, ‘they must’ve not been happy together’. But, this is not always true. Some breakups need to happen even when both people in the relationship are happy. That’s right! Happiness is not everyone’s goal, and the definition of happiness is not the same for everyone. For instance, you might be happy from feeling loved, but that feeling could also be temporary due to the release of ‘happy hormones’ namely dopamine & oxytocin, in your body. These are the hormones that increase sex drive and your bond with your partner, but once the levels go down with time, so do the feelings of ‘being in love’. Also, there are many things people want from both life and relationships, and love and ‘happiness’ are not enough to help a relationship survive.

5 reasons why a couple may resort to breaking up, despite being happy in their relationship:

1. You Both Want Different Things – An example, might be, if you want children and your partner doesn’t. This may be a cause to break up as both of you don’t want the same thing and eventually this may lead to unhappiness as your needs and wants are not being met.

2. Your Relationship Is Stagnant – Being in a stagnant relationship means it is going nowhere. You may be happy right now, but you probably want something that will last longer, something your relationship, at the moment, isn’t giving you. When a person has a realization that “this is as good as it gets for me and this is not what I want for my future”, it may be time to call it quits.

3. You Are Thinking About Someone Else – Have you had a thought of someone else? Well if the thought has not been lingering on for too long then that’s okay, but if you are constantly fantasizing about someone else, and you can’t help finding yourself wondering what if that person could be better for you, then there’s a problem. With time, these thoughts could possibly evoke feelings for another and if those feelings got stronger, then the feelings for your partner could die, and/or you may find yourself resenting your partner, for not being able to explore other options.

4. Your Plans Exclude Your Significant Other – Are you making plans short-term or long-term excluding your partner? If you are, it means you most likely don’t see yourself in the long run with them. This doesn’t mean you don’t love them, it could stem from incompatibility to wanting different things in life. Whatever the reason, this desire to not being with them, may override the happiness, and you may resort to breaking up with them.

5. You Both Have Different Values – If you and your partner have different morals that you can’t oversee, then this may eventually lead to issues. For example, if you don’t drink because of religious reasons, but your partner drinks and even if you were okay with it in the beginning, but as the time goes, you find it hard to accept, then unless your partner changes, or you give in, this relationship may not have a future. Either way, if you give in because you love the person but had to compromise your morals, it won’t make you happy. Likewise, if your partner has to change and give up what they like doing, it means they’re not going to be happy. Having said that, it is not impossible to live with someone whose morals aren’t the same as yours. You just have to find a common ground and learn to compromise without upsetting yourself or your partner.

Remember, breaking up with your partner doesn’t mean you can’t end it on good terms. It’s better to end a relationship on good terms than remain in one that isn’t meeting your needs and giving you the satisfaction or whatever else it is that you want from it!



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