Boosting Your Partner’s Self-Esteem! – H&S Love Affair

Partner's Self-Esteem

How To Boost Your Partner’s Self-Esteem?

Partner's Self-EsteemAre you in a relationship with someone who has low self-esteem? If your partner is struggling to love himself/herself and if he/she keeps feeling they’re not ‘good enough’ then there’s a possibility they’re struggling with low self-esteem. With an appropriate amount of support and love, it may be easy to help your partner overcome this!

4 Tips To Practice To Help Boost Your Partner’s Self-Esteem:

1. Be Thankful – It’s not just the big gestures that you should be grateful for. Make sure you know when to express gratitude as this will help your partner feel ‘wanted’. The fact that you care about your partner and want to appreciate him/her can make a huge difference in their mindset, after all, who doesn’t want to ‘feel’ appreciated?

2. Be Intimate – Touch is extremely important as it shows a connection is shared between you and your partner. When you kiss, touch, hug etc, the chemicals responsible to make you feel happy, are released in your body. Intimate doesn’t always equate to sex, it can just be as simple as a kiss or a cuddle. This helps emotionally as well so make sure you find some time to get intimate with your partner.

3. Remember To Take Turns – Remember, it should not always be about ‘me’, ‘myself’ & ‘I’. People with low self-esteem generally won’t put their needs and wants before their partner’s and will sacrifice a lot for their partner. It’s therefore important to make sure you take turns when it comes to movie nights, restaurants etc. In a couple, it’s two different individuals with different likes and dislikes, so make sure you don’t brush away your partner’s needs and wants, by putting yours first every time.

4. Compliment, Compliment & Compliment!! – It’s important you compliment your partner, be it their particular dressing style or their sense of humour! Make sure you compliment your partner every now and then as this helps boost their self-esteem and makes them feel loved!

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