Body Works- Home Chest And Triceps Workout With Shiv Singh & Sapna Dadhley

Home Chest And Triceps Workout With Shiv Singh & Sapna Dadhley

Home Chest And Triceps Workout

Focus On Building Muscle!

Home Chest And Triceps Workout With Shiv Singh & Sapna Dadhley

  1. Perform PUSH UPS in these 3 variations. Combine all 3 to make 1 circuit. Do 3 total circuits.
    • Regular 15 – 30 reps
    • T.U.T 5 – 10 reps (3 seconds down 3 seconds hold 3 seconds up is 1 rep)
    • Isometric hold (hold the bottom position for 15 to 30 seconds)
  2. Do 3 sets of 10 to 20 Parallel Bar Dips
  3. Set a Tabata Timer and do alternate supersets between Dumbbell Chest Presses and Feet Elevated Push-ups
  4. Perform TRICEP DIPS in these 3 variations. Combine all 3 to make 1 circuit. Do 3 total circuits.
    • Regular 15 – 30 reps
    • T.U.T 5 – 10 reps (3 seconds down 3 seconds hold 3 seconds up is 1 rep)
    • Isometric hold (hold the bottom position for 15 to 30 seconds)
  5. Set a Tabata Timer and do alternate supersets between Dumbbell Overhead Extensions and Band Tricep Press-downs
  6. Set a Tabata Timer and do alternate supersets between Floor Tricep Extensions and Cobra Push-ups



  • Ensure you are medically fit before engaging in any physical activity.
  • Make sure to warm up before and cool down after your workout




5 Week Full Body Transformation Challenge With Shiv Singh & Sapna DadhleyShiv Singh

Certified Fitness Trainer and Strength and Conditioning Coach


Sapna Dadhley

Fitness Model