Body Language – Positive Reflection Of The Week

body language

Body Language – The Body Talks! – By Shahwana Khanam

Have you ever wondered how you got convinced by a salesperson to buy something, perhaps you
didn’t even need, and you get home & realize ‘hey that fellow was so convincing!’. Did you know that the gestures of your body give up your resistance and that a salesperson is trained to grab this as an opportunity? Mostly, such training is also given to the secret service agents, FBI and such, so they read the person and know what emotions the person is going through when confronted.

The way you move your body gives you clues about who you are!

Crossing your arms when having a conversation, for example, is an indication that you are not open to learning or you have your own opinions about what the person is saying. Having your arms receptive can indicate you are open to conversation & the person can pursue you further to sell you something or open a presentation. These are very interesting facts found in the research. When people want to be open or honest, they will often hold one or both palms out to the other person and say something like ‘I didn’t do it!’, ‘I’m sorry if I upset you’ or ‘I’m telling you the truth’.

Unless someone has super acting skills, you can pick up when someone is saying the truth. They will expose all parts of their palms to the other person as it is a completely unconscious gesture.

For example, when you smile, you are showing non-threatening gesture showing submission. Baring of teeth and nostrils flaring is derived from the act of attacking, signals irritation.

Did you know when men lie their body language can be obvious? Women, on the other hand, prefer to look busy as they lie? – Allan & Barbara Pease (Authors of Book THE DEFINITIVE BOOK, Body Language)

A pointing finger creates negative feelings in most listeners. Adolf Hilter used Palm down signal when addressing the crowds, it’s an action that related you are all under my control, I am the boss.

Handshakes reveal a lot about the person, weak handshakes automatically is a sign that denotes ‘trust issues’ showing the person is not very open. A person who shakes a hand with confidence has a strong grip, indicates confidence, or maybe a saying I am more powerful. Eye contact with double handshake reveals trust deal sealed. On the other hand, if you shake someone’s hand, with the other hand placed on their shoulder, this is a sign of caring.

Do you want to know what a sincere smile is? A natural smile produces characteristic wrinkles around the eyes. – insincere people smile only with their mouths. Science has proven that the more you smile, the more positive reactions others will give you. So smile more. If you want to see a genuine smile, look at a child playing & having fun, that is not fake at all.

Down mouth indicates sadness, in a person. You can make out people’s gestures in relation to their moods. A study has shown us, humans, we are smart and capable of learning fast.

When you forget something, you are reminded of it, it is a common body language one practices, it’s called the punishing gesture, by slapping your head or forehead, saying ‘how silly of me’ such are examples of body language. Makes sense, yes? this is how we use our Body to relate our emotions.

Some language is also spoken with the eyes, you may recall when your mum got annoyed at you when you were a kid & guests were around, she would gesture with her eyes, & you would understand it, that mum’s angry, run!

Similarly, love too can be expressed through eyes, after all, the eye is the window of the soul, did you know that?

The face is another gesture you can relate with and know what the other person is trying to say or
emotions they are going through. Facial expression speaks volumes. Stress, for example, this can cause facial tension, which can lead to repeated facial expressions, causing frown lines. The expression on a person’s face can even help determine if we trust or believe what the individual is saying.

It has been suggested that body language may account for between 60 to 65% of all communication
that is important. This means one can know exactly so much about another person, by being mindful or just aware of the body, eye, face gestures.

Researcher Paul Ekman has found support for the universality of a variety of facial expressions tied
to emotions including joy, anger, fear, surprise, and sadness. 4 Researches even suggest that we make judgments about people’s intelligence based upon their faces and expressions.

So now we have a small idea on what to look out for. Have fun!



Body Language

Shahwana Khanam – Pranic Healer