Biggest Parenting Challenges – H&S Education & Parenting

biggest parenting challenges

4 Biggest Parenting Challenges Faced By Every Parent

Parenting can be the most wonderful & most rewarding job in the world but at the same time, it can be the most challenging and at times frustrating too. If you are a parent you will be able to identify with some of the common problems below. If you are new to parenting or a soon to be parent, below are some pointers that will help you along your parenting journey!

4 Common & Biggest Parenting Challenges-

1. Talking Back- This particular discipline or rather ‘lack of discipline’ issue can happen at any age and can have a number of causes. One of the most common reasons for this is when a child is trying to take control over his/her life whether it’s what he/she wants to eat, wear or do. Another reason could be when a child is hungry or tired. Whatever the reason behind this ‘talking back’ issue, it’s important that parents shouldn’t ignore this but in fact, address this immediately and appropriately. Remember, it’s your job as a parent to ensure that your child expresses their opinions appropriately and respectfully. In order to achieve this Use the C’s:

1. Stay Calm & Composed– During the event keep calm. It’s easy to get yourself into a ‘war of words’ with your 5-year-old for example and escalate the situation. This will get you and your child nowhere. If you want them to improve, it’s best to respond calmly.
2. Correct Behaviour– Let your child know how they can express themselves & the words and phrases and behaviours that should be avoided. Keep reminding, so that it sticks with them. For younger kids give them time to correct themselves you can even prompt them when they are acting out of their place.
3. Give Chances, Enforce Consequences– Giving your child chances isn’t the same as overlooking. You need to be firm and let your child know, through appropriate communication, and this should include that there will be a consequence if the behaviour continues. The consequences must be age-appropriate such as Time Out for 5 mins for a 5-year-old or cutting down their favourite TV time. Once you have stated the consequence always follow through as actions speak louder than words and this will deter them from misbehaving or talking back.
4. Be Compassionate– There may be a reason that your child is acting out of place. It could be due to fear, hunger, anger etc. Your child may be trying to just get your attention. Sometimes all it takes is being compassionate and no matter how frustrating the situation is, just know that ‘talking back’ is actually a normal part of the development and shouldn’t be seen as a failure on your part as a parent.


2. Not Listening- Remember ‘listening’ involves giving your child undivided attention. Even though your lives may have become very challenging it’s important to know when to put the laptops and phones away and dedicate that time just to your child. This issue is more so because parents are unable to give that allocated time to their child without the daily distractions, be it work etc. Unknowingly, this makes the child feel neglected and unwanted and as a result, the child may slowly lose that trust and stop listening to and paying attention to what the parent is saying. In order to combat this follow the 3 L’s:

1. Leave & Engage- Leave everything & engage with your child.
2. Pay Attention To Your Language Usage– Avoid using monosyllables Yes, No etc. and when you are engaging with your child in a conversation, give them time and respond in a manner that ensures them that you love them.
3. Listen Attentively– When your child is speaking to you, hear them out fully and pay attention to what they have to say.


3. Tears & Tantrums- Parenting isn’t an easy task & know there are no parenting shortcuts! Sometimes parents try taking the easiest and convenient way out! In this process, for instance, let’s say a parent might overlook the screen time but on other days the parent may restrict this. This causes conflict and creates confusion in the mind of your child. The reaction is in the form of tears or tantrums. To avoid repetitive tantrums:

1. Stick To Your Rules-  If you have laid out certain rules with respect to screen time, eating etc, don’t change them for your convenience
2. Reassure- reassure your child it’s okay to feel angry sometimes.
3. Avoid Other’s Influence- Don’t let others influence your behaviour with your child even if the tantrum may be an embarrassment.
4. Love & Acceptance- Always let your child know that you love them and you are there for them no matter what.


4. Bad Eating Habits- Fast food or outside food has become a part of the new routine. This is mostly because working parents don’t have the time to prepare meals on a regular basis, again more so because it’s convenient. The truth if time is managed appropriately parents can actually prepare healthy meals even in advance that can be stored. Remember, it’s upon parents to instil a good eating habit. How to achieve this:

1. Limit the eating out to once a week or once a month.
2. Eat healthily and practise healthy habits.
3. Prepare meal plans for the week in advance.

Do you have any challenges? Let us know If you have any concerns or questions about parenting, leave your comments below & our expert will get back to you!