Being Human- An Article by Shahwana
Being human is fascinating! You get to experience many paradoxes in life! You get to see a lot of diversity. Furthermore, you get to see people who are sad and lonely despite having lots of money, cars, and fame; and people who are happy and positive, despite having a simple life. All these paradoxes make life an amazing journey while teaching us a lesson: being human means we will have experiences, some painful ones too, that’s where lessons of life cross paths. Some of us can handle the crisis well, why? Because life taught us some interesting lessons while we were growing up, we learned through those many mistakes we made.
Is it OK then to make mistakes? Well, it depends on how you see the mess-up… if it hurts you and the people around you? The answer is yes. If the mistake helped you understand life better, then again the answer would be yes.
So, let us embrace the situations, just like school exams, some we fail, some we pass. And some papers we need to study and redo. These are the hardships, showing up at our doors on a daily basis, why does the situation show up?, because the last one, we did not understand or ignored the steps we could have taken better.
Being kind is OK, however, one should not be taken as a doormat to be taken advantage of. Next time the situation arises and looks similar, take a step backward and ask what is the lesson, as a human being, I need to learn? It’s all about reflecting on life and its lessons.
Giving thanks for the lessons, is the first step of you knowing that you learnt, hence say thank you for the lesson.. Gratitude is one of the greatest remedies for the feeling of dissatisfaction and grief.
Some tips
The following list unveils some of the most important lessons in life that people learn the hard way:
• Good things don’t come easy. …
• Never fail to try more. …
• Take care of your health early. …
• Make every moment count. …
• Live and let live. …
• Be flexible with your goals. …
• For every action, there’s an equal opposite reaction.
Life’s Lessons
Life teaches us that we won’t always get what we want right away, it teaches us that we still don’t have control over time, no matter how good our time management skills are and no matter how good we are at predicting our future. If it’s not our time yet, we can do nothing about it.
So chill, take a day as it comes, live life to the best, remember we are humans. So be compassionate and kind, give to receive, that’s the law. What you give, you get. Valuable experience teaches us about us!
Shahwana Khanam – Pranic Healer