Be Creative – Positive Reflection Of The Week

be creative

Positive Living: Be Creative! – Written By Michelle Arscott

This week’s video focuses on the importance of being creative and having creativity in your life.

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun.” – Mary Lou Cook

Creativity could be in the classic sense, for example creating a painting or writing or it could be doing routine things in different ways or looking at a problem from a different perspective.

How To Be Creative?
Recognise yourself as the creative being that you are.
Say to yourself, ‘I am creative…I can write…I can draw… I can paint.’

Visualise yourself being creative, whatever that means to you. It could be renovating a space, writing a novel or creating a complex lego model!
See yourself in the process of creating and focus on how that feels for you. Then see the finished product, what is it like having completed that project that you dream of? Remind yourself of these feelings, if you need a motivational boost to get started.

Tap into your inner child. Children have no problem in being creative, they create every day. As adults fear creeps in of what others will say and also feelings of self-judgement of not being good enough, blocking your natural creativity.
Try this creativity exercise to unblock your creativity:
Look at the world through the eyes of a child, for 10-15 minutes, with awe and wonder. Focus on your individual senses.
What can you see? What can you hear? What can you touch? What can you smell?
See the world as if for the first time.
Capture what you saw through whatever medium you desire, through words, through paint….
Open your creative channels and just express yourself without judgement, and know whatever you create will be enough.

‘To live a creative life. We must lose our fear of being wrong.’ Anon

Being creative has so many benefits from having the freedom to express your true self to building your confidence and having fun.

‘Creative people do not see things merely for what they are they see them for what they can be.’ -Julie Israel

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Michelle Arscott– is an experienced ICF accredited adult and kids life coach, she is known as ‘The International Life Coach.’ She is also an accredited and certified mindfulness practitioner.