H&S Chef Of The Month

Chef Juliën van Loo
Nationality: Dutch

Restaurant Parkheuvel
Interview With H&S Magazine
Who Is Juliën van Loo?
Juliën stands for a young generation of successful chefs who are completely committed to their work. He wants to constantly develop his skills. With an eye for the latest trends in gastronomy, he brings together classic and modern components.
Type Of Cuisine?
French International!
What Inspired You To Become A Chef?
My father has taught me my love for food, traveling the world has reinforced this. I love translating worlds treasures in such a way that we can use them in Parkheuvel’s kitchen.
What Is The Biggest Challenge You Have Faced In The Culinary Industry?
This year I would definitely say Covid-19, it was a tough year for the culinary industry. Besides the pandemic, for me, the biggest challenge in the culinary industry is to keep our two Michelin stars.
What’s Your Biggest Achievement In The Culinary Industry?
Working for Peter Gilmore in Australia and being able to cook for the top 50 best chefs followed by coming back to the Netherlands and being my father’s right hand in the kitchen of restaurant Parkheuvel. Having a Family business is I think one of the greatest achievements.
When It Comes To Cooking What Is More Important To You The Technique, The Ingredients, Or The Creativity?
First of all the flavor is the most important, followed by creativity.
Recipe Of The Week: Anjou Pigeon
Umeboshi | Macadamia | Chestnut Cream | Brussels Sprouts
Umeboshi Puree
• 1kg Umeboshi
• 500gr Water
• 50gr Sugar
• Apricot extract according to taste
• 300gr Verjus
• 200 base = 2gr agar
• ½ pc Gelatine
Wash the umeboshi & soak for 24h in water only. Peal your umeboshi, put all ingredients in a pot, boil this & when it’s cooked blitz this in the Thermomix to make a smooth base.
Chestnut Puree
• 200gr Chestnuts
• 100gr Butter
• 30gr Sjalot
• 20gr Celery (white)
• 5gr Garlic
• 500gr Chicken Stock
• 500gr Cream
Sweat your shallots, garlic, and celery then add chestnuts, chicken stock, and cream. Boil all of this until it’s cooked. Next Blitz and top up with butter.
Macadamia Puree
• 500gr Roasted Macadamia
• 1L Milk
• Milk to top up
• 11.2gr Agar-agar
• 9gr salt
Roast the macadamia, add this to the milk. Bring to a boil and leave for 24 hours. Strain the nuts, top up the milk to 1litre. Bring to 90 degrees C then add the agar and boil everything for 1min. Let it set then finally blitz to a smooth puree.
Macadamia Floss
• 1kg Cooked Chestnuts
• 400gr Fresh Macadamia
• 500gr Japanese Rice flour
• 250gr Butter (room temperature)
• 500ml Water
• 25gr Salt
Steam the chestnuts for 20min at 95C. Boil water and make a slurry with your rice flour, cover this and put aside (note: keep warm!). Once the chestnuts are steamed, put this through a fine Mouli with the butter. Make a dough by
combining the rice flour mix and chestnuts. Now make small pancakes & fry this at 160C. (Not in the fryer!)
Extra Garnish:
• Brussels Sprouts
• Redwood Sorrel
• Gyoza
• Chives
• Lentils
• Petit Legumes
• Macadamia (sugared)
• Pigeon Sauce
• Puffed Amaranth