Anger Management In Children! – H&S Education & Parenting

anger management in children

How To Manage Anger In A Child!

Anger tantrums are not uncommon among children, not just the older ones but also the younger ones! However, at times this can pose a threat to the parents, siblings and others. Remember for kids to control emotions is not something that comes naturally & for this reason, they tend to lose control and the parent most of the time becomes the target of this uncontrollable outrage. It’s then when you have to face a screaming, cursing child that may even turn to throw objects, biting and/or hitting. This can be very scary and distressing especially for a new parent. However, it is important to note that once the anger phase has passed and the child has returned to normal he/she will be feeling sorry about all the fuss he/she has made.
It’s also important as a parent to understand why the child is angry? Is he/she disappointed or upset about something? Is he/she being exposed to an unhealthy environment where the parents are constantly quarrelling? Remember a child mirrors the parents and it’s therefore incumbent on the parents to act positively around the child. If parents practise managing anger in a healthy way in their homes then as the child develops he/she too learns to manage their anger constructively.

4 Thoughtful New Year’s Resolutions For Your Children This 2020:

1. Never Yell Back- Yes, it’s quite frustrating at times to be dealing with a child who is yelling but remember by yelling back you are achieving nothing. As a parent, it is important to remain calm and composed at all times even if this is the hardest thing to do. You don’t want to escalate things, hence stay calm and don’t feed the anger.

2. There Is No Point Of Bringing In The Logic- Whilst the child is in the middle of this outburst, reasoning with the child is not going to help. Remember, you are dealing with little kids, not adults with whom reasoning will help. Be patient and play the waiting game!

3. Never Get Physical- Don’t hit your child at any time. Yes, as a parent it’s not easy to remain calm at all times but just remember as said earlier a child mirrors his/her parent. If you hit then they start thinking hitting is the solution & may start aping the same.

4. Praise The Child For Appropriate Behaviour, Give Consequences for Bad Behaviour- Once the child has been able to relax and put himself/herself together, praise them for being able to take control. If your child has been yelling, throwing things etc make sure there is a consequence for that behaviour not for him/her expressing the anger. Remember if rules are being broken where the child is going out of control consequences need to be emphasized such as a Time-Out.

5. Be Wary Of Triggers- In most instances the child gets angry based on common trigger factors such as homework time, bedtime, eating time etc. To tackle this cleverly give a heads up to the child by saying 10 minutes left until bedtime etc.

Keep in mind that with age the anger gets more intense and aggression becomes even more dangerous for all involved.

If there is a recognisable pattern then this may be pointing towards an underlying problem for which you may require to take the child to the hospital for further evaluation and treatment. Your child may be suffering from:

  1. ADHD
  2. Autism
  3. Anxiety
  4. Some Form Of Learning Disability
  5. Issues Processing Sensory Information
anger management in childrenDo you have any parental challenges? Let us know If you have any concerns or questions about parenting, leave your comments below & our expert will get back to you!