Anger Management – By Shahela Sheikh


Learn To Manage Your Anger – Written By Shahela Sheikh

Let’s take a deep dive into what causes anger? Every human has a belief system which most of the time makes up what is right and what is wrong. The triggers that cause the mind to react in anger could be big or even trivial.

The feeling merely begins by the sense of losing patience, sometimes we feel a situation is unacceptable and driving against our moral ethical codes or sometimes we just feel unappreciated.

What is a belief system? 

I tend to use the phenomena to bring out how our brains are used to functioning. Over time the mind develops thinking errors that make us react in a negative way. Just like a virus in the computer does not allow it to function in a proper way, these thinking errors are similar. They are composed of malicious thoughts about a situation, person or thing. This is what primarily makes up our belief system.

This belief system is what has scheduled our brain to accept certain things like triggers. What are these triggers?

  1. Injustice
  2. Disrespect
  3. Violation of your personal space
  4. Abusive language
  5. Labelling, shaming, blaming
  6. Physical threats
  7. Insults
  8. Misinformation
  9. Lying
  10. Relationship disputes
  11. Constant disappointment
  12. Feeling unappreciated

Of course, every individual is different and may have diverse triggers.

How can you manage your anger?

  •  Expression: this put simply could be the facial expressions or body languages. For example, creased face or tensed up muscles. When you feel angry one should try and refrain from this by taking their attention off the trigger and once you feel a calm come back to it.
  • Suppression: This is an attempt to hold in your anger and convert to something more constructive.
  • Calming down: This basically takes down stress triggers by trying progressive muscle relaxations to help calm your nerves.
  • Seek professional support: talking to a psychologist and seeking therapy could help you manage your anger.

Here is a fun & relaxing thing to do, try this progressive muscle relaxation techniques this quarantine and train your mind to control your anger!

Anger Management

abusive relationship

Shahela Sheikh – Psychologist

Do you have anger issues & want to learn how to manage it? Write to us and our expert will get in touch with you!

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