Amazon Kindle- H&S Magazine’s Recommended Book Of The Week- Matt Clayton- Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, Norse Mythology, Celtic Mythology and Roman Mythology Kindle Edition

Amazon Kindle- H&S Magazine's Recommended Book Of The Week- Matt Clayton- Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, Norse Mythology, Celtic Mythology and Roman Mythology Kindle Edition

H&S Magazine’s Recommended Book Of The Week

Matt Clayton

Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, Norse Mythology, Celtic Mythology and Roman Mythology Kindle Edition

“Explore Captivating Stories of Gods, Goddesses, Monsters, and Mortals while Learning Fascinating Facts about Five Mythologies” 

Synopsis- Review

The Intelligent Investor, Revised Edition

Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, Norse Mythology, Celtic Mythology and Roman Mythology by [Matt Clayton, Captivating History]

About The Intelligent Investor

This book includes five captivating manuscripts:
Greek Mythology: Captivating Stories of the Ancient Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and Monsters
Egyptian Mythology: Captivating Stories of the Gods, Goddesses, Monsters and Mortals
Norse Mythology: Captivating Stories of the Gods, Sagas, and Heroes
Celtic Mythology: A Captivating Guide to the Gods, Sagas and Beliefs
Roman Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Roman Gods, Goddesses, and Mythological Creatures

Greek Mythology: A Captivating Guide to the Ancient Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and Monsters

The broad arc of the first manuscript takes us from the dim beginnings of creation as seen in the Greek mythology. We move through the birth of Titans, their overthrow by the Olympian gods, the gods’ dealings with mortals like Paris of Troy, Jason and the Golden Fleece, the Trojan War, and into historical times.

Here are just some of the topics that the first part of this book will cover:

Uranus: Betrayal by Cronus
Cronus: Fear of His Children
Titans vs. Olympian Gods
Olympian Rule
Zeus and His Ladies
Prometheus and Herakles
An Unhappy Tale of the Underworld
The Beauty Contest that Led to the Fall of Troy
Poseidon, Metis, Athena and Atlantis
Kraken and Other Monsters
Jason, the Argonauts, and Medea’s Dragon
Menelaus, Agamemnon, and the Trojan War
Solon, the Athenian Law Giver
300 Spartans
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
Alexander the Great


Egyptian Mythology: Captivating Stories of the Gods, Goddesses, Monsters and Mortals

Egyptian Mythology: Captivating Stories of the Gods, Goddesses, Monsters and Mortals (Norse Mythology - Egyptian Mythology - Greek Mythology Book 2) by [Matt Clayton]

The second part is full of fascinating facts and stories. For instance, it covers perhaps the most popular of all the Egyptian stories – the myth of Osiris.

Here are just some of the topics that the second part of this book will cover:

Egypt in Context
Fall of Humanity
Osiris Myth
Chief Gods of the Egyptian Pantheon
Lesser Known Pantheon
Ancient Egyptian History


Norse Mythology: Captivating Stories of the Gods, Sagas, and Heroes

Norse Mythology: Captivating Stories of the Gods, Sagas and Heroes (Norse Mythology - Egyptian Mythology - Greek Mythology Book 1) by [Matt Clayton]

Here are just some of the topics that the third part of this book will cover:

Norse Creation Story
The Nine Realms
Gods and the “Giants” of Jötunheim
Midgard and the Humans
Elves, Dwarves, Trolls and Valkyries
Odin, Frigg, Thor, and Loki
The Death of Baldr
Conflict Between the Realms
English Days of the Week


Celtic Mythology: A Captivating Guide to the Gods, Sagas and Beliefs

Celtic Mythology: A Captivating Guide to the Gods, Sagas and Beliefs by [Matt Clayton, Captivating History]

Here are just some of the topics that the fourth part of this book will cover:

Celtic Animism
Universal Celtic Gods
Local Irish Celt Gods
Local Gallic Celt Gods
Celtic Sagas: The Cycles
Celtic Beliefs: Animal and Human Sacrifice
The Wicker Man
Celtic Beliefs: Reincarnation
Celtic Beliefs: Matriarchy


Roman Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Roman Gods, Goddesses, and Mythological Creatures

Roman Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Roman Gods, Goddesses, and Mythological Creatures (Classical Mythology) by [Matt Clayton]

Here are just some of the topics that the fifth part of this book will cover:

The Trojan Connection
What History and an Analysis of Myth Tell Us
Founding of Rome
Purely Roman Gods
The Creatures of Roman Mythology
Borrowings from Etruria
Influence of the Greek Pantheon
Greek Creatures Adopted by the Romans
Celtic Potpourri
Roman Conquests of the Celts
Truth Behind the Roman Gods


About The Author: Matt Clayton

Matt Clayton is a best-selling author who is particularly known for his excellent take on mythology. Two of his best-selling books are Greek Mythology: A Captivating Guide to the Ancient Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and Monsters and Norse Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Norse Folklore Including Fairy Tales, Legends, Sagas and Myths of the Norse Gods and Heroes.

As an author, Matt’s mission is to unveil the captivating stories from the ancient world. So far, he has done a phenomenal job in terms of giving the readers what they want. When Matt is not wearing the author’s hat, he is either reading, eating, sleeping or working on projects related to his brand Captivating History



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