Add Humour In Love, For A Lasting Relationship- By Reshma

humour & relationship

Humour In Love!

Research on relationships says that humour not only gets you that first kiss, but helps keep relationships together.

So pretty big stuff to say that humour is quite important in relationships.

Why do we tend to value the capacity of your partner to laugh and crack others up so much? Here’s why:

If used right humour can help diffuse uncomfortable relationships. Infact finding humour in the face of challenges indicate maturity and health in a relationship. Somewhat saying that you and your partner will get through with a smile (sometimes). Let’s face it, life is an obstacle course. Couples who can find ways to laugh steer through this course easier. Yes, it takes effort and awareness, perhaps one of you may find somthings amusing and the other may not, or vice versa, and this is perfectly okay! But a good sense of humour maybe your best bet when things aren’t going your way as you would like it to. It’s more about seeing the lighter side of life and indulging it. Ironies in life are plenty, and it is worth appreciating your mate’s effort to find humor when the going gets tough.

Being funny doesn’t just mean saying funny things. It’s also about having so much fun when doing things together. I know couples who takes hours to do the dishes or get ready for work because they crack each other up so much!

A cleverly crafted joke is also a tool for criticising your partner without irritating them or their value system. And when they laugh it’s proof that they have accepted your attempt to bring to their attention about a certain behaviour that requires correction.

However, a point to note. Everyone has a style of humour that is typical to him or her. If your loved one’s humour sense is not to your liking, it’s always better to have a chat about it and set boundaries. Some folks prescribe to put-down, insulting humour and that’s a no-no in a relationship. Jokes have to be life enhancing, healing. Not hurting. So humour in your relationship requires that in banter you both are respectful. Keeping it harmless and blameless in word play is safe, and not used as a weapon.

Testing the waters of someone’s sense of humour is a quick way to discover whether you share the same values. People treasure humour sense in a potential mate because this is one of the best clues to your compatibility.

Therefore, being funny affirms you and your relationship together in laughter. This is crucial to building lasting a relationship, establishes security and creates balance in your love life and bonds. So if you want to guess which couples will last longer, look out for the ones who laugh more together.


Reshma Raju H&S MagazineBy Reshma Raju
M.Sc Psychology,
Certified Women’s Health Coach (USA)


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