What Is Academic Motivation & What Role Do Parents Play?
Academic motivation has been defined as ‘a child’s desire in learning which is reflected in the approach, persistence and level of interest in academics, as judged against a standard of performance or excellence’. It influences not only academic achievement but also the child’s will to learn and the ability to build a more successful career. To put it simply, a child with a positive academic motivation will have the keenness to learn, loves to learn and understands the importance of school. This is key to help a child to perform well in school. Did you know that children are naturally motivated to learn from the time they are born? This can be seen during the different milestones of a child. For example, learning to walk, talk etc. Having said that, there are many factors that influence a child’s academic motivation. Parental involvement is one such factor. For instance, parents who are involved in their child’s academic life, have a positive effect on their child’s ability and desire to learn. School and its environment too plays an important role. And what’s interesting is, that if both parents and teachers work with the same mindset and goal, i.e. keeping the child’s interest at heart, this can help the child develop a positive academic motivation.
How To Enhance Your Child’s Academic Motivation?
As parents a lot can be done in order to improve and increase your child’s academic motivation. A positive parent-child relationship is extremely important as mentioned earlier. Let your child know how important going to school and learning is, teach them effective skills that will help them learn and enjoy learning, and motivate them by, for instance, cheering them when they perform well. Getting involved at home during homework time isn’t enough, be involved in their school life too. Work with their teachers/educators as that can help you increase your child’s motivation to learn as well.
Encouraging Positive Family Relationship & Responsibility-
– Allow your child to become independent by allowing them to make age-appropriate choices on certain things
– Give age-appropriate responsibilities as a daily practice by assigning chores within the house
– Don’t just make it all about chores also take time to do something fun as a family
– Talk to your child and listen to what he/she enjoys and his/her concerns
– Praise your child for their effort as it’s important for them to hear they are doing a great job
Teach Them The Importance Of Learning, Starting Very Young-
– Visit the library, or historical parks, museums as well as participate in fun educational workshops
– Tell them how important going to school is and what it means to you
– Have reading times together and discuss what you are reading such as an abstract or article from the newspaper
– Have conversations about school
Instill Good Habits That Encourage Learning-
– Set a time for homework so your child follows the schedule
– Make sure the place your child uses to study, is study-friendly and has no distractions
– Avoid distractions such as watching TV, whilst your child is working in the same room
– Set Screen-times for your child, if possible hook them on educational channels
– Let your child have an interest and use that interest to encourage learning. For example, if your child loves collecting dinosaurs, make them read about dinosaurs and the Jurassic period.
– Encourage your child to learn something new, such as a different language etc.
Have A Positive Parent-Teacher Relationship-
– Let your child know that you respect the teacher. Even if you have a disagreement with the teacher, make it a private talk
– Work with the teachers/educators as this is the best way to learn about your child’s academic progress
If a child has low academic motivation then it’s important to find out what the reason could be & let them know that you are willing to help them do better. It’s best to focus on what your child is good at and work on the strengths as supposed to highlighting what your child hasn’t done well in and if your child still struggles despite all efforts then you may need to get some extra help. This could involve a multidisciplinary approach where you may have to involve the paediatrician, teacher, counselor and may also need to include special education services if there is a disability that is affecting and interfering with your child’s academic progress. Often parents tend to blame themselves, and it’s therefore important to talk to a counselor and include family counseling as well to help cope and improve your child’s academic motivation.

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