A Wonderful Family Outing In The Nairobi National Park!
With the holidays now in full swing, many families are looking for activities that will result in great memories and wonderful family time together. The heavy rains in recent months have caused much flooding in many places, including some of the National Parks. However, even though the Nairobi National Park did experience flooding, many roads in the park are now drying enough to allow vehicles to drive easily, but some parts are still very muddy. This park is a wonderful venue to consider during these holidays as there is much wildlife and scenery to enjoy.
As you plan a family day in the park, I believe the following basic tips could make your day really fantastic.
1) Try to preplan your food and drinks in advance.
2) Use a cooler box with icepacks to keep food and drinks fresh and cold.
3) It’s worth waking up very early for a game drive.
4) Stop at a picnic site for a meal together.
5) Pack a good set of binoculars.
6) A map and some basic ID books are useful when seeing various species.
7) Having a decent camera helps to enhance the experience as you are able to capture some of your sightings in the form of photos.
8) Don’t travel too much, take time to sit and relax at various dams and treed areas.
9) Don’t worry about finding lions first, rather focus on enjoying every species and then if a lion sighting happens it will be a special bonus.
10) Please take note of the park rules and emergency contact numbers.
11) Make sure you bring your original ID to the main gate to avoid complications with fee rates.
12) KWS does not accept any cash, most people pay using MPESA or credit cards.
13) If you have small children take some practical games or toys with you.
14) Slow down to the pace of nature and relax!!
So if you are looking for a place to escape from the pressures of city life, why not visit the Nairobi National Park. Relax take a breath of fresh air and let go of the “city mode” and move into “bush mode”. I believe that God has put all of the natural wonderful creation to also give us pleasure and as a stress relief. The tranquil peace in the park is tangible and very real. A day in the park is a real “soul tonic” medicine for the inner being, an escape from the fastpaced world around us.
The park is open daily from 06h00 to 19h00.