7 Tips For First-Time Home Sellers

first-time home sellers

How To Help Sell Your Home Faster? – 7 Tips For First-Time Home Sellers!

first-time home sellers

Are you a first-time home seller? You may want to be selling your place to move to a new environment or for work related issues or because your family is expanding. Whatever the reason, this definitely puts you into the category of a first-time home seller. Remember selling a place is not the same as buying one. When buying a place a lot of emotions and thought and feelings are put in, but when selling a home it mostly evolves around maximizing profit potential!

So then the next question is how do you go about maximizing profit potential & selling your place?

1. Price Your Home With The Help Of An Agent- It’s always good to get professional help when trying to sell your place and an efficient agent is one who can help analyze comparable sales & help prepare an estimate of value which is known as CMA (comparative market analysis). This is a crucial step when trying to sell your place!

2. Boost Your Home Appeal- If you are not sure on how to do this always ask your agent on how to prepare your place for sale. Remember if one walks in and wonders if anyone lives in the house, you’ve hit a jackpot! It’s always good to have the house painted to look new and do any other works that can help boost the appearance of the place. This has a positive effect on the buyer & there’s thus a better chance of you closing the deal. After all, no one wants to invest in a place that was maintained poorly, remember this also reflects on you; the seller!

3. Know Your Agent’s Real Estate Commission – It’s always advisable to settle on the commission before hiring an agent. It’s also good to do some homework by checking on the agent’s track records, etc.

4. Market The Place – Don’t rely completely on your agent. After all, you may have contacts who may be interested. So try marketing on your own too by sharing pictures etc. You don’t necessarily have to invest in marketing, you can also just share on common WhatsApp groups, or with friends etc. Just get the word around!

5. Get A Professional Photographer – If you have hired a top listing agent then this service may already be provided. If not then it’s always a good idea to invest in a professional photographer. After all pictures help in enticing buyers and this is definitely a good way to get your place sold faster!

6. Be Flexible With Viewings – The only way a buyer is going to think about buying a place is if he can first view it to have a feel and idea about the place. It is therefore very important to not chase away any potential buyers. Allow the buyer to tour the place with their agent. The best thing to do is be away and let your agent take care of the potential buyer and their agent. Keep in mind that most of the time only interested buyers will be making an effort to check out the property!

7. Respond Swiftly To The Buyer’s Offer – Don’t try and sit on an offer! If you have made up your mind to move & if you get an offer close to your offer, then do consider it seriously! Remember you may not always get your offer, but you can always give a counteroffer and see if the buyer is ready to accept it. On the other hand, avoid making a hasty decision and going with the first offer which may be silly!