4 Steps To A Pest-Free Garden – H&S Homes & Gardens

pest-free garden

How To Keep Your Garden Pest-Free!

Landscaping, an art, is used to beautify any garden by adding ornamental features, planting trees or shrubs. However, tonnes of money is spent on landscaping & then on the maintenance of the garden to keep making it look beautiful. Did you know that before landscaping the real key to a beautiful garden is actually beautiful, healthy plants? It takes only a few steps to learn how to nurture your garden. Check out how you can have a beautiful pest-free garden in 4 steps only!!

1. Location-

Pick a good location for your plants. Most plants need a lot of sunlight hence it is essential that they are located where they can receive a maximum amount of sunlight. However, certain plants require shade and won’t thrive in direct sunlight so be careful where you position your plants. Also, distance your plants well. Don’t place your garden too close to weeds for e.g. as this is how the pests can spread!

Once the location is selected it’s now time for a healthy seedling!

2. Healthy Seedling-

pest-free gardenThe whole process begins here! A good quality seedling will ensure the growth of a healthy plant, whereas a weak seedling will mean a weak plant which in turn will welcome unwanted pests and further weaken the quality of your plant. Hence when looking for a seedling make sure it lacks pests & is not lanky, pale or shows any signs of disease.

3. Trim, Cut, Harvest Frequently-

Harvest the vegetables and fruits before the insects, pests & diseases do! Also, plants don’t do too well when invading each other’s space. An overflowing garden may look spectacular but is in fact breeding grounds for garden pests. Hence harvesting, trimming, cutting all help keep plants at a reasonable size keeping the pests at bay by improving air circulation & balancing light distribution.

4. Keep A Keen Eye-

pest-free garden

Check your garden regularly to make sure there are no pests! If you feel the need then don’t hesitate to spray your plants to keep the Aphids, mites, thrips, whiteflies, fungus etc. away. Opt for organic sprays only!



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