2 Best Exercises To Burn Belly Fat – Burpee & Mountain Climber

2 Best Exercises To Burn Belly Fat - Burpee & Mountain Climber

Burpee & Mountain Climber – 2 Best Belly Fat Burning Exercises For Men & Women

If you want to lose that belly fat and get into shape then you need to try the burpee & mountain climber.

The Burpee also known as a squat thrust is a complete body workout that involves quick repetitive movements from a jump position to a pushup position. It works out not just the abs, but also your arms, chest muscles, and thigh & leg muscles.

The Mountain Climber is another complete body exercise that can help burn the belly fat and work out muscles from head to toe.

Burpee For Beginners- How To Perform The Burpee Properly:

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The basic burpee is a 4 step burpee:

1. Stand straight with your feet apart (shoulder-width apart).
2. Get into a squat position i.e. lower your body with your palms touching the ground (shoulder-width apart).
3. Kick your feet back, whilst your arms are extended, into a pushup formation & perform a pushup.
4. Quickly return to your feet into the squat position & perform a jump with arms straight above your head when you stand which completes 1 rep!

You can start with 10-15 burpees if you are a woman & 20-25 if you are a man & can slowly build this up!


Mountain Climber For Beginners- How To Perform The Mountain Climber Properly:

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1. Get into a plank position: your weight should be supported by your hands & toes (your body should form a straight line from head to heels).
2. Then bring your one knee inwards towards your chest, then switch legs and bring the other knee inwards towards your chest.

You can start with doing 10-15 mountain climbers if you are a woman or 20-25 if you are a man and can slowly build this up!